Night of the Comet

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The Italic part is the conversation between Hermione and Jasmine!

Oh, and little Teddy will make an appearance - hehe.

Harry Potter crossover Vampire Diaries | Reborn | Night of the Comet

Jasmine held the muggle device to her ear after she punched in the number her best friend Hermione was to be using. She had been up since 5 in the morning, going over everything that she had found out about this town so far. Between vampires and witches - there seemed to be quite a lot hidden beneath the cracks.

In 1864, the Fell Church fire killed 27 people – but when she looked back at the events properly; there were more than a dozen animal attacks happening around Mystic Fall at that time – after the Fell Church fire – it just stopped, it was like the 'animals' had disappeared. So, logic told her that those 27 people that were trapped in that fire; could have very well been vampires that were making the town their buffet.

As for the witches' situation, she had found out that there was a witch massacre around the same time too, dozens of girls who were claiming to be witches were sent to the stake to be burned for their sins and punishment for meddling with the supernatural.

Her mind was still ringing around the possible idea that Bonnie was indeed a witch, the subject that the girl's grandmother had talked about – meaning that the Grandmother would also a qualified witch. Jasmine knew that the vibe she got from Bonnie, was different to the one she would get when she met a new wand-wielder. Besides wand-wielder typically like to stay in the European side of the world, although there were always a couple of extras stranded across the globe.

"Hello?" A familiar voice called through the speaker, the voice she hadn't heard in so long, "Who is this?"

Jasmine smiled slightly, "Hey, Hermione. Guess who?"

There was a paused from the other side, "Draco Malfoy?" The voice seemed to be riddle with amusement, "Have you turned into a girl?" Hermione tried to conceal her giggles but wasn't able to.

Jasmine rolled her eyes at the greeting, "Wow," She drawled, her smile still placed on her lips, "I feel insulted, there is no way I'm that bleach bouncing ferret." There was a moment of silence before both girls let out their laughs, they loved that memory. Even though they were on civil terms with the bleach haired boy – that didn't mean they couldn't make fun of their previous encounters that were turned into a funny moment. Exactly like the memory of Draco turning into be bouncing ferret by 'Professor Moody'.

When their laughs finally turned down, Jasmine plonked herself on her couch with Mittens climbing onto her chest, curling herself up before falling back to sleep with a deep purr rumbling though her chest.

"So," Hermione starts, "Not that's I'm pleased to finally be getting a call from you but what's up, this early in the morning for you – it can't just be to catch up." She spoke with a knowing tone. Jasmine shook her head, of course the witch knew- she was the brightest witch for every year in Hogwarts – in the century even - after Jasmine's own mother, Lily Evans.

"Okay," Jasmine gave in, knowing she couldn't lie about the intention of this phone call, "Are there different types of witches?" She asked, saying it as bluntly as possible – it was one of her star traits. How else was she supposed to stun people into silence, like in her first year when they went to Professor McGonagall?

Jasmine heard a shuffle from the other end, "Jasmine, I already said sometime last year about the other type of witches-" She seemed to pause, Jasmine could almost picture Hermione rolling her eyes now, "You didn't listen, did you?" She guessed, but she was a hundred percent sure that she was indeed correct.

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