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Magpie and Panda keep talking about the differences between their domestic surroundings. Magpie wonders about such things in Shenzhen as toilet-seatless restrooms, bone-filled fish dishes, and, not to mention, skyscrapers penetrating the sky and disappearing into outer space. On the other hand Panda hears about large, open spaces with no human beings, never-ending forests,and ...

(The text in CHAPTER 3 has the kind of Culture Cookie content that you mostly later find in the appendices of this book. It can be found in the body of the text only when it plays an essential role in the build-up of the plot.)

Shortie or Ccookie?

To read Ccookie 1, you need to turn to the Appendices of Troublemaker, Peacemaker. (published separately) 

However if you choose to stick to the action-packed plot, go to CHAPTER 5 and read on.

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