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The mood of the citizens, like the overcast skies of Torren, was grim at best as they all gathered in the middle of the town square. Murmurs shot through the crowd as a tall, blond-haired man dressed in white and gold took his place upon the stage. Clearing his throat, he set his turquoise eyes upon the crowd who waited with varying degrees of unrest.

"Fellow citizens of Torren..." he began, setting his face into a neutral expression as he ventured on. "I want to thank you all for coming. It is with a heavy heart that I must bring bad tidings on a day such as this..."

Silence reigned as the crowd waited for his next statement.

"The Augur, the man we all revered, respected and loved, was a great man. Admired by all and matched by none, he was undoubtedly our greatest protector from the evil of this land."

"Was? What does he mean?"

"Just what is he getting at?"

"As many of you may know, the Augur had left some time ago in order to seek out the remaining cults that still taint this fair land, and eliminate them once and for all. We had hoped to have heard from him by this point. However, fate being the cruel mistress that she is, saw to it that he did not return..."

His statement ripped through the crowd, stunning the mass of citizens that had gathered. Was the Augur dead? Were they not safe anymore? All these questions and more plagued the minds of every individual within mere moments of it being said.

"I'm certain you all are rather shocked by this news and rest assured you are not alone in this feeling. While we are all conditioned to fear the worst, I say we break that chain and take a different path! I believe that our Augur is still alive!"

A spark of hope was lit at these words, causing the worries to slowly dissipate as he went on.

"Although he may be missing in action, there is no proof that he is gone from this world, and I will be the one to prove it. Until the Augur has been returned, I Jaern shall serve in his stead as the second Augur of Torren!"

Mixed emotions filled the onlookers as Jaern declared himself the second Augur. It was true that he was a powerful trainer and that very few could stand against him. However, there remained so much that the inhabitants of the region didn't know. All things considered, to know that there was someone willing to step up and be the region's protector was a comfort in itself.

"I know I may not be half the man the Augur is, but rest assured I aim to utilize all of my resources to find him and restore him to his rightful place!"

A rallied, jubilant cry, echoed through the crowd.

"Until that day, I will defend our home! I will use the full extent of my power to trample and destroy every cult, every wicked fiend who dares desecrate our land with their wickedness!"

Roars of approval tore through the air.

"These cultist, will rue the day that they were born! So prepare yourselves my fellow citizens, because the day is coming when we will finally be able to live in peace again. No more will we have to worry about our children, or any of our loved ones being taken away by these demons! Sleep will come easy and tranquility will reign once more. This is my promise to you. Until the First Augur returns, we will remain strong, and nothing will break our will. Long live the Torren Region!"

Augur: A Pokémon Insurgence NovelWhere stories live. Discover now