Chapter Four

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The Town Hall was filled with chatter as everyone tried to garner the Augur's attention. Jaern was everything one might think an Augur would be like. He wore a white and gold outfit with jade green shoes to top it all off. His hair was blonde and he had bright, turquoise eyes that shimmered as brilliantly as the gems themselves. The man exuded a confident, powerful presence. And it was that very presence an artist was showing Jaern in his portrait of the man.

"You've done such fine work here. Your skill is impeccable I must say," Jaern said, flashing the artist a winning smile.

"Th-thank you Jaern! your praise is most appreciated!" the artist said excitedly.

"I shall hang this in my quarters as a testament to your skill," Jaern declared, further exciting the man.

While Jaern conversed with the rest of the Town Hall gathering, the doors burst open, revealing Zander and Damian, who was panting heavily after having sprinted from the Telnor Cave all the way here. Upon seeing Zander, Jaern's eyes went wide.

It can't be... I thought Persephone had him killed! so why is he here!? Jaern thought, masking his rage with a neutral expression as Damian swiftly made his way toward him, hints of urgency showing in his face as he drew closer.

"Is everything alright? you look rather troubled," Jaern asked in a concerned tone.

Damian caught his breath and looked into the eyes of the most powerful man in Torren. Never had he dreamed that he would be standing in the presence of the Augur. The uncontested man of legend. It was really Jaern! For but a moment, Damian had forgotten why he was there. Zander, however, wasn't picking up the same awe inspiring vibe from Jaern as Damian. There was no doubt that he was a powerful man. Still, something didn't sit well with him.

"You're late Damian. Not that I'd expect otherwise..." his mother, Denise, said flatly.

"Now now, it's alright. I'm not offended by his tardiness. I'm certain he has his reasons," Jaern interrupted.

"Y-yeah that's right. My friend Zander and I were getting you a gift from Telnor Cave when—ah! that's right! Jaern err... Augur sir... we've come to warn you. You're in grave danger! There are some assassins here and they're going to—"

"Damian! listen to what you're saying. Do you not realize how absurd that is? look around you. Do you see any assassins? everyone has been more than accomodating to the Augur and if you think—"

"Sludge Bomb!" came a shout from the back of the Town Hall.

In a flash of white light, a large, sea dragon-like creature burst forth from its sphere and released a purple orb of poisonous sludge towards Jaern and Damian, the former of which was already reaching down to his belt and grabbing a ball of his own.

"King's Shield!" Jaern bellowed, unleashing his sentient sword from its spherical home to defend him.

Aegislash got between the oncoming assault and constructed a protective barrier that shielded both Damian and Jaern from harm. Turning around, Jaern locked eyes with his would be assailants and fixed them with a stern expression.

"Huh... an aquatic Pokémon. You must be from Abyssal Embrace," Jaern declared.

The owner of the Dragalge snickered and cast off his disguise to reveal the uniform of the Abyssal Cult which consisted of a red, white and blue coloration.

"And judging from your getup," Jaern continued, looking pointedly at the cultist's shady companion, "you're a cultist too right?"

"So I've been found out," the other disguised individual sighed, removing his disguise to reveal the crimson robes he was clothed with. "It was getting stuffy under there anyway..."

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