Chapter One

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Gone. How, or when he escaped she didn't know. What she did know, was that the two she'd sent to capture him would have had a lot of explaining to do... if she hadn't already burned them to ashes first. 

And life screws me once again! LOVELY! 

Angry didn't begin to describe how she was feeling. No... she was more like a seething cauldron of anger at this point. Not only had she wasted a grunt trying to convince Darkrai to join her, but she killed off two more, expending a total of three resources that she could have used. It was times like these where she detested her own hot-headedness and longed for a more sound mind. But no. Life just had to screw with her. 

"I still don't understand it," Persephone muttered aloud, her eyes scanning each part of the cell for any clue that could lead her to the answer. "He was put to sleep for an indefinate period of time, and Gengar was there to make sure he didn't wake up or get away... so why is he gone!?" she shouted in rage, her fists trembling in anger as she turned and stalked out of the cell. 

Storming down the hall, she made her way back to the room she'd left her cohorts and reached down for her Houndoom, releasing her into the open to gather the attention of her underlings. 

"Listen up you ingrates! the prisoner's escaped. As you can plainly see, this does not make me very happy. So unless you want your faces burned off, I suggest that I get some volunteers to go find him and drag him back now, because if you don't..." she paused, snapping her fingers as a command to Houndoom who loosed a stream of fire that struck the ground in front of the grunts.

The toxicity of the flames began corroding the stone beneath, striking fear into the hearts of Persephone's followers. Without hesitation, she had multiple volunteers at her beck and call. 

 He didn't know how long he'd been running, but what he did know was that he had absolutely no idea where he was going

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 He didn't know how long he'd been running, but what he did know was that he had absolutely no idea where he was going. All he knew was that Mew was leading at that he had at least some hope of getting out of this Arceus forsaken forest before being burned alive by a psychopath with a beast from hell. It wasn't long until he reached what appeared to be a clearing up ahead. Bursting through to the other side, he panted in exhaustion, hands on his knees as he tried to catch his breath. It wasn't until he'd opened his eyes and looked down at himself that he realized that the transformation had worn off. He was himself again! 

Looking up, Zander found that there was an object floating in front of his face. Zander grabbed the levitating flute and examined it, only to find a note attached. 

If you're reading this note, that must mean that you've escaped from the lair of the Children
Of Darkrai. Excellent! that brings me great relief. I'm sure you're wondering exactly what this is. It's the Quartz Flute. Whenever you need to, you may summon Mew with it and it will be there to help you in your time of need. I'm sure you must have a million questions by now and are probably wondering who it is that's helping you. Right now, I can't tell you that, but I can promise you that we'll meet soon. Most of your memories may be gone by now, but don't let that set you back. 

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