What the fuck did you just say?

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The days at the hotel were fine. Charlie was finally getting some clients to come in, and by some clients that meant 3 or 2. And progress wasn't the best.

Yep, sir ree their little business is working just fine! Of course, Vaggie still didn't have much hope for the hotel and kept nagging at Charlie a few times about it but obviously, that little ray of sunshine gave her a smile and told her not to lose hope. But everyone was sure the princess was losing her sanity every single day at this point.

As for Angel Dust, he seemed to be enjoying the little wreck of a project as Charlie and Vaggie tried to get the demon clients to drop their addictions and current attitudes.

The spider demon sure had no hope or care for the hotel but was still interested to see where it goes.

As angel slouched on the messed up fancy red couch, snickering at another one of Charlie's attempts to change one of the client's life, he felt a little...empty.

Sure he had a sex, drugged, mob of a gay life so far but he simply felt a little bored even while watching Charlie's attempts. He didn't know what it was and it was starting to irritate him.

After a few moments, Angel just sighed and laid flat on his back stretched out on the entire couch, frowning. That's when he heard another door open and in a flash, he sat up, his attention already pulled towards it. He rolled his eyes and groaned while falling back down once he realized it was Alastor who entered the room.

The radio demon walked in with eyes closed and a wide yellow toothy grin stretched across his face like usual, holding the long stick of a microphone in one hand and his other arm behind his back. What a cocky son of a gun. But despite it all, Alastor was Charlie's new business partner and has been that way for almost a week now. Honestly, everyone's still surprised Charlie even agreed to such a offer.

Angel watched as Alastor greeted Charlie and the client she was with and didn't hesitate to go on about plans and arrangements and whatever kind of shit Angel didn't have the time to give a fuck about. He threw his arm over his face while lying on the couch. Satan, can this day get any more fucking boring...

After a bit more time of yes's and no's and orders, Angel peeked from under his gloved arm to see the tall radio demon heading back. The spider demon didn't hesitate to go and say something probably flirtatious to him as he walked past.

"Hey pimp, just so you know, my lips won't kiss themselves~" Angel teased.

He expected an insult or negative answer back instead Angel heard alastor stop in his tracks as he turned to him in a short silence.

"Might as well slip my tongue in too while doing so darling~" Alastor responded as he continued to walk towards the door past Angel.

The spider demon's eyes quickly went wide in shock as if he needed to hear that again to make sure he wasn't just losing his mind for the 127th time. He turned behind him to see the radio demon casually open the door and exit the room. Angel didn't even realize he was blushing once he gathered most of
his thoughts. He didn't expect to hear something like that come out of Alastor, especially to him! The bastard wasn't the type to. He never says anything nice to Angel.

What...the fuck just happened? Surely he meant that as a joke...yeah probably. The bastard would never. Ha. I'm just getting to far into it. Angel thought to himself feeling the the tension slowly fall of his shoulders.

He slouched back against the couch already forgetting the weird encounter.


As Alastor shut the door behind him, he immediately leaned against it feeling his face get hot. He ran his claws over his bright red hair with a crooked smile, sweating nervously.

Why did I say that in response? The demon asked himself

He didn't know why. It just..well it was suppose to come out as a comeback but to his surprise, turned into some playful dirty flirtatious compliment. Alastor felt his face get hotter and redder as he thought more about the sudden exchange and angel...

Good golly this was so out of character...

The radio demon stood up straight and cleared his throat, fixing himself up while trying to forget the thought. Keeping a firm smile back on his features, he brushed it off and told himself that it was just some fatter. Nothing too serious. But he also wouldn't say something like that ever again. Nope.
This would be forgotten by tomorrow, no worries.

Once Alastor decided it was something not to waste his precious time on, he continued the rest of the day pretending the whole conversation didn't exist.

But that wouldn't last long for both of the demons.

{Hazbin Hotel} Alastor x Angel Dust Where stories live. Discover now