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The tasks were a lot harder than angel thought. As his eyes scanned up and down the list, he felt more weight bringing upon his shoulders as he was going to have to do all of these stupid tasks. He honestly thought at first it wasn't going to be hard...since he could probably just fake most of them, but with Alastor supervising and watching him, it was going to be hell. Literally. It made angel question why he ever agreed to the terms and conditions while checking into the hotel.

Alastor stood next to him, hands behind his back while keeping a smile on his face like his usual bastard self.

"This will be fun! Don't you think angel?" he turned to him.

With a harsh groan, angel rolled his eyes and took a look at the first task.

1. Look at yourself in the mirror and give a big smile!

(Of course)

It wasn't surprising that Charlie would assign this as the first task. (Considering she was a fuckin' ray of too much sunshine) Angel ran a tired hand down his cheek. Preparing himself for another over-happy enthusiast commentary from the radio demon next to him.

"So! What's first? I am quite excited! We're finally getting you on the path of becoming a better person! Rehabilitation as I may say. I'm sure it will be exceedingly simple-"

The demon kept on as Angel groaned quietly to himself while he pinched the bridge of his non-existent nose, tuning out Alastor's annoying rambling. Angel couldn't really do much about it. Ever since that fucking traumatizing episode with the bastard, he didn't want to do or say anything to him to risk getting him pissed and making that static and shit happen. No way. Not fucking ever again. All the spider demon could do now is just try to ignore him and listen when he tells him what to do. It fucking sucks but it's better than having to go through whatever the fuck that shit was.

"We gotta find a mirror." Angel declared with a little bit of attitude in his tone as he started walking out of the lobby.

Alastor's smile widened as he began walking after him. He caught up to angel's side and placed his arms behind his back in a polite manner.

"Well lead the way ma' dam~" the demon cooed in a polite tone but with a little charm as well.

Angel waved his hand in emphasis on brushing him off while his eyes remained on the list. He pretended not to care much (which he really did wish he wouldn't care so much) but for some reason the way Alastor expressed that was so...bothering to him neither in a good or bad way. Angel didn't know and was getting a little hot thinking about it again. For a moment, it changed his view on the radio demon being all terrifying and irritating to something...sweet and charming. Angel shook his head.

(No. Stop thinking about it! It's not a big deal. He probably does that to everyone. You're thinking too much about it you asshole!)

The spider demon threw a hesitant glance to the radio demon and was faced to see Alastor glaring at him with a softer smile and a tilt of his head. His expression had something different from...what he'd usually put on. He hummed in the obvious question of what angel was looking at him for and in a quick response, angel quickly tore away his contact with the bastard and looked away with a sight blush lit on his face.

"W-We're here!" he stammerd, as a quick excuse to escape the tension.

They stood at a tall door that was just above angel's height. The neon-lit up sign read "restroom"

"A washroom?" Alastor queried as he adjusted his monocle "Or how most people refer to as bathroom."

He chuckled to himself as if he just told a joke. Angel groaned and just pushed the door open not really caring to hold it for Alastor as he walked in after him but was inconveniently held by the red magic highlighting it anyway to let the radio demon in ease.

Gee this bathroom was pretty fancy. There was the usual Maroon hotel wallpaper with its diamond design as well as some old paintings pinned up on the tall walls. A beautiful chandler that probably was from an antique store hung still in the ceiling. The floors tiles were a nice French gray as well as matching the "throne of taking a shit" also known as a toilet with a gold rim around the top.

"So mind telling me what kind of task involves this sort of setting?" Alastor inquired as he glanced around the room taking in his surroundings.

Angel wanted to make a dirty joke so bad but kept his mouth shut.

"First task is to smile in a mirror." he answered as his eyes followed up to the tall and rather large fancy golden mirror.

The radio demon glanced up at the mirror as well and for a few quiet moments, the two demons stared into the reflection. Alastor kept a his usual expression on his face while angel ran a hand over his scruffy hair. He noticed Alastor glaring at him in the mirror, watching intently at his movements. Angel hesitated but cleared his throat and lowered his hands down while adverting his eyes to himself in the clear reflection. The red demon next to him tilted his head slightly and his smile widened.


"W-Well fuckin' what?"

"Give yourself a smile dear!" Alastor beamed.

Angel turned back to look at himself in the mirror for a moment. His expression turned sour and he let out a groan.

"This is so fuckin' stupid." He mumbled.

Alastor tilted his head again and raised a brow. Angel noticed the deer demon's expression and hung his head with another quiet groan. He rested his top pair of elbows on the sink's countertop and ran a frustrated hand threw his hair once again.

"I-ugh, I-I just don't see the fuckin' point of this shit! Neither do I fucking care. Smilin ain't gonna make me any more of a fuckin'-Especially with this fuckin' face..." Angel fumed, seeming like he was also about to cry.

"I ain't shit."

The two stood in silence for a few moments before Angel heard the demon next to him sigh. Alastor shook his head and smiled. wasn't like the usual intimidating, creepy, devilish smile that the radio demon always had shown for it seemed more...sincere and caring?

Angel dust was sure he was just overthinking. He's never seen this smile and expression from the great and powerful radio demon he's known for about a week now. It was so...fucking weird.

The spider was snapped out of his thoughts by a gentle hand being placed on his shoulder. He flinched slightly. Alastor's expression remained soft.

"Well...aren't we all? in hell" He hummed.

Angel felt fuzzy inside. They stood there for another few moments, staring at each other. The spider demon couldn't tell what he was feeling at that moment. It was a mixture between confusion of feelings and...good? Oh fuck. What the hell is wrong with him.

"You always looked pretty with a smile darling." Alastor smirked and held angel's chin for a second before letting go and turning a heel to walk out of the bathroom.

As the tapping of the radio demon's shoes grew distant, Angel stood there in front of the mirror still in some sort of shock. He honestly didn't know what to feel. He didn't understand these...feelings. Most of them made him want to go grab a gun and fucking shoot a bunch of random people and another part of them made him want to rip his hair out and cry in a closet. Then there was a part of those feelings that felt...nice? The feelings that made him feel all warm and fuzzy and made his heart pump 30 miles per hour every time he thought of those red eyes staring at him all smug and happy, and that wide yellow teeth grin gleaming at him.

Angel stared at the mirror and clutched his teeth. His gold tooth sparking a shine. He smiled disgustingly insane at himself like the damn psychotic asshole he was before his smile began twitching.


Angel banged a fist at his reflection causing the mirror to crack. He scoffed aggressively and felt a tear dripping down his face.

"I HATE that fucker."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2020 ⏰

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{Hazbin Hotel} Alastor x Angel Dust Where stories live. Discover now