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As much as Angel didn't want to admit it...he thinks he might have a crush on Alastor. And it fuckin sucks.

Sure he's had favorites and likings to those he was paid to fuck, and some hottie celebrities or bartenders or...anyone attractive he'd like to pick up off the streets, but he's never felt this way about the radio demon. Sure Alastor was pretty good-looking with that bright red hair with black tips and charming smile, and cutting edge fashion sense, and that elegant body...

Angel immediately shut that thought down every time it fantasized in his mind. He felt disturbed, uncomfortable, annoyed at the slightest idea of Alastor. But then again...

He couldn't help but stare at the deer demon. His movements were so graceful like he was performing every move with such ease. Staff appearing out of the air as he wraps each of his claws delicately around it and swaying it to his side and then attentively adjusting his monocle all still while keeping that tame smile on his face.

It was just normal for everyone but Angel felt his heart flutter every time he noticed. The feeling annoyed him. He kept telling himself it was just a stupid little thing he shouldn't make a big deal out of. It was driving him crazy and he couldn't help but feel a sense of yearning for Alastor.

He'd feel hot and sweaty and nervous. But not in a lustful way, more like some weird-ass feeling that drove angel to want to dunk his head forcefully in a toilet and try to wash this haunting feeling away. His heart would hammer jack in his chest every time Alastor was around and would be almost to the point of bursting when he made any interaction or contact with Angel. The spider demon's face would get all red and he'd only be able to get a few words out then immediately rush out of the room to get away from the radio demon.

God he hated this feeling and what made it worse is that he couldn't do anything to try and forget about it! Anything in his way at least. He couldn't take any drugs, he couldn't play any mischief around the city, he couldn't even masturbate to the point of fatigue! Vaggie made sure to confiscate all of his sinful goodies

It was complete LITERAL hell.

"Alright everyone~ Listen up!" Charlie's loud charming voice infiltrated the hotel lobby. "I have some plans for our next step into sweet rehabilitation formation of the happy hotel!"

There were a few quiet groans (mostly from husk and angel). Angel felt eyes burning the back of his head from Vaggie of course. He slowly peeked at the furious demon who was tightly crossing her arms and putting a finger to her mouth with a harsh shush towards the spider demon as Charlie went on with her introduction to her presentation in the background.

As she rambled on with shit Angel didn't care about he rolled his eyes, got up, and walked out to his room.

Angel shut the door and sat on the pink heart-shaped bed and brushed a tired hand over his scruffy cream hair. When he felt his pig, fat nuggets, cuddle against his heel, he smiled and lowered a hand down to pet him, chuckling softly as the pig wiggled and snorted of affection against his grasp.

"Ah I could REEEEEEEALLY go for a blow right about now." Angel groaned mostly to himself.

Then he realized at that moment that he might of had secretly stashed a bag somewhere in his dresser before Vaggie confiscated his sinful things. His eyes lit up as well as a hopeful smile as he quickly got up from the bed and dashed to the dresser, tugging every drawer open with twitching anticipation of searching for the coke, like a child in excitement of searching for candy.

As he was rummaging through the clothes of his drawers, he squealed out of excitement once he finally found a small bag filled with that glorious powder.

"Finally! Something to finally blow off of." Angel simpered with a dopey smirk.

About to tear open the bag, Angel immediately jumped at the sound of knocking at his door. He quickly panicked thinking it was Charlie or Vaggie so without thinking, he made a swift movement to shove the bag back in his drawer but was too late once he noticed the door swing open revealing a tall smiling deer demon.

"Hello Angel! I just wanted to let you know-"

Alastor paused mid-sentence once he noticed Angel, frozen and was about to shove a bag of dust in his drawer.

After a few long moments of intensely awkward silence, Angel quickly threw his bottom pair of hands behind his back along with the bag smiling bashfully. He looked nervous and was sweating enough to show it.

"H-Hey Al...!" The spider demon spluttered. "W-w-what did you need?"

Alastor raised his brows as he glanced at Angel's obvious bottom pair of hands trying to hide the bag and then back at him. The deer smirked.

"Well I don't mean to interrupt your..." he faked a cough "-activity. But Charlie just wanted me to let you know all clients must commence their first official task of rehabilitation today!"

Angel's expression turned apathetic during Alastor's inform as he groaned softly and headed toward the bed to fall face-plant on it.

"Let me guess, she wants you to try to fuckin' motivate me into ""wanting to try" since she's probably sick of doin' it herself." Angel jeered with half of his face buried in the pink sheets of his bed. "If she hates me that much ha! She should just kick me out already huh? I swear that bitch never knows when to give the fuck up..."

There was another moment of silence.

"Yes in fact I am here to "motivate" you in a way I suppose." Alastor straightened his tie with a smile.

Angel peeked up from his bed in some interest of having different kinky thoughts in mind of being "motivated". A little smirk stretched across his face.

"I'm listening~" he slurred in his usual flirty voice.

"Clients must perform 10 simple acts of good. They have until this week to do so." Alastor explained with a smile. "All the clients also must have a partner to do this task and lucky for you, I have happily applied!"

Angel rolled his eyes while letting out another loud groan and crossed his top pair of arms against the bed.

"Hm. And what if I don't want to do this task?" Angel quipped while not looking at the radio demon.

Another long moment of silence passed. Angel started to get a tad bit nervous so he turned to face the demon but his eyes widened as he noticed a dark disturbing shadow looming over him. He glanced up with a terrified look in his eyes to see Alastor standing directly in front of his bed glaring down at him. He had a wide yellow smile and his eyes were bright red dials with some black substance dripping down from them as well as his mouth. His hair was darker and messier and his antlers had grown sharply tall like they could impale anything if he charged directly at someone like a bull. Everything grew dark and felt like static and weird red demonic symbols were invading the entire room, space, and energy. Angel couldn't move, he was frozen in place on the bed, like a paused intimate object that was stuck in this horrifying scene. All he could hear was loud static drowning everything out. Drowning him out.

Then it all stopped.

"Well that's too bad because you're going to!" Alastor  replied with another smile. "I suggest you don't play that game with me Angel! You might regret it!"

He started to walk towards the door, leaving angel shaking like a leaf.

What the actual FUCK was that.

"Oh and don't worry. I won't tell anyone about your little stash." Alastor vowed with a smirk. "Ta ta!"

He gestured a quick wave before finally leaving the room and shutting the door with a loud THUMP behind him.

And like that he was gone just as he entered.

It left angel in a daze. A confused, emotional, traumatizing, fucking daze. He scrunched his legs a bit more to his chest while blinking, trying to snap his mind back in reality or...what's real.

He cursed under his breath and ran his hand over his scruffy hair while looking away, panting from the terrifying episode.

"I fucking hate optimists."

{Hazbin Hotel} Alastor x Angel Dust Where stories live. Discover now