Chapter 4. Drogo: Only in dreams (Mature)

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**This chapter contains material of a sexual nature and is intended for mature audiences only**

The ride back home is uncomfortably silent. My father sits upfront and takes control of the reins, while Hans sits beside him on the bench. I have to make do with settling in the back, on top of the hay stacks. As I lie down, I make a mental note to thank myself for not wearing my best clothes, as they would surely get ruined. The heat of the afternoon sun and the up and down rhythm of the carriage gradually lull me to sleep.

Fraulein Schneider appears in front of me. She is wearing the same rose-colored dress she had on at the bank, but her arms are bare. Her chestnut hair is loose, cascading down her back and across her shoulders. She studies me with a curious expression.

"So... you are just a farmer's son, aren't you?" Her voice is sarcastic and seductive at the same time.

"Yes," I run a hand through my hair. "Why? Is there something wrong with that?"

"I'm just used to being around better quality people," she answers with a smirk while looking me up and down. "But, I suppose you'll have to do." She approaches me and places a delicate hand on my cheek. "If you were just a little more... wealthy... there might be a chance for us."

"I see," I say gruffly. "All you care about is money!"

"You are wrong," she answers, as she runs her hand down my neck and onto my shirt. "But, it would make things a lot easier, don't you think?"

I stare into her dark brown eyes. She holds my gaze steadily. Her lips part and I see a flicker of her pink tongue. My breathing accelerates as she continues to get closer and closer to me, until our bodies are touching.

"I thought you liked my brother," I say mockingly.

Fraulein Schneider laughs dismissively. "That big oaf? No, not at all." Her hands are now exploring my chest and she begins to unbutton my shirt. Her cool touch on my bare skin sets me on fire. I groan as she lightly places a kiss on my collarbone.

"Be careful," I warn her. "I might not be able to stop, once you get me started."

She lifts her face up to mine and continues caressing me. "Maybe I don't want you to stop," she whispers in a husky voice.

My hands move up and down her back, as I lower my face to hers. "Well, then," I whisper in her ear, "Just remember... you asked for it."

I start nibbling her earlobe and feel her tense up in anticipation. I work my way down her neck. She suddenly grabs my face in her delicate hands. "Kiss me, Drogo!"

Our mouths meet hungrily and we kiss with increasing passion. My tongue is circling hers and a moan escapes her lips. She pulls back a little, daring me to do more. I don't need any further prompting. My hands deftly unhook each silk button on the back of her dress, and soon, it slips off of her shoulders and unto the floor. Underneath, she is wearing a white, lacy corset that enhances the roundness of her breasts. I savor the view in front of me, gently grazing her bosom with the back of my hand.

"Stop teasing me," she pleads as she grabs my hand with hers. "I want more!"

I undo her corset and gaze in amazement at her beautiful figure. Her nipples are rosy and perfectly round. I rub each one with my thumb and they pucker at my touch. I lower my head and take one in my mouth, gently sucking. She arches her back and moans again with pleasure. I feel her hand on the front of my breeches and I know she can tell how aroused I am.

"The bed," she whispers. I look behind her and find that we are in my bedroom. "How convenient," I think to myself as I lift her up and head her toward the bed.

Drogo:  Death of a man, birth of a vampireWhere stories live. Discover now