Chapter 7. Drogo: Love under the oak tree (Mature)

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** this chapter contains sexually explicit material and is only intended for mature audiences**

To my relief, dinner goes without a hitch.  The pork chops are a hit.  Both my father and brother are practically devouring them.  As usual, Mama's home-made spaetzel are fantastic.  We are all too busy eating to talk much. For dessert, my mother serves us warm plum pie, one of father's favorites.  She is trying her best to please him and make him happy.  I notice that she has changed her blouse and put on a pretty blue one that he likes.  Papa seems content.  He finishes dinner and fondly pats Mama's hand.

"Hannah, that was wonderful," he smiles at her.  "As always."

"Drogo bought the pork chops," mother tells him.  "He knows you really like them."

Papa looks at me and clears his throat.  I'm sure it's difficult for him to say the words, but he eventually does:  "Thank you son.  That was very thoughtful of you."

I actually feel a pinch of guilt, knowing that Papa's favorite food had nothing to do with my visit to Muller's Butchery.  But I smile at both of my parents and say:  "I'm just glad everyone enjoyed dinner."  I then stand up and clear the plates, helping Mama.

Papa bids us all good-night and retires early, leaving Hans, Mama and I alone in the kitchen.  Hans is still working on the last slice of plum pie.  He obviously enjoys dessert more than anything.  I turn around from the sink and tease him:  "You better watch that waistline, Hans.  Your pants won't fit you anymore.  Soon you'll have to wear a burlap sack instead."

"Ha! Ha! Ha!"  My brother is not amused.  "At least I'm not so skinny that a tiny breeze could topple me over." 

"All I'm saying is that girls prefer a man who is slender instead of a rolling pumpkin," I retort.

"Like you'd know anything about real girls," Hans emphasizes the word 'real' and gives me a meaningful glance.  "Some of us don't just dream about women."  This last comment actually stings and I tighten my fists.

My brother instantly notices my reaction.  "What?  You wanna fight, little girl?" He continues to provoke me.

"Boys, stop your bickering," Mama intervenes.  "It's giving me a headache."

"He started it," Hans points at me.  I shake my head and make an obscene gesture with my finger. 

Hans stands up and takes a step towards me.  "What was that?"  He tries to look threatening, but I just smirk. 

"Anytime you'd like," I answer.  He knows what I'm referring to.

Mama steps between us and separates us with her hands.  "That... is... enough!  Your father is trying to sleep!  Go your separate ways and cool off those hot heads!"

My brother and I are still glaring at each other above Mama's head.  I can practically see steam coming out of his ears.  "One day, Drogo," he shakes a finger at me.  "One day..." He then walks around me, purposely bumping into my shoulder, and takes the stairs up to his room.

"Sorry, Mama," I apologize.  But inside I'm still seething.  It wouldn't be so bad if it weren't true.  I am nineteen, and I've only gotten so far as kissing girls.  But tonight I am determined to change that for good.

I kiss my mother on top of her head and grab my coat.

"Where are you going at this hour?"  She sounds concerned.

"I forgot to feed Old Brown.  He had such a long day, I better give him some oats," I lie.

"Alright... Thank you for remembering," I hear her say as I walk out the door.

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