Chapter 19. Drogo: A ride with Viktor and his sons

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"Pray tell us more about this mysterious beast," Count Bartholy asks my father. Papa and I are seated across from Viktor and his son Nicolae in the carriage. Peter is driving like a mad man, following Papa's directions to the future factory site.

"All I know is that it's been attacking mostly livestock for the past week or so, but things have changed lately. It seems that it now has a taste for human blood," Papa answers. "It attacked my eldest son, Hans last night.... And, it killed four other innocent people."

Count Bartholy raises both eyebrows. "That many? In one night?" He looks at Nicolae who shrugs. "And nobody has seen it?"

"Actually, Hans saw it... briefly," Papa says.

"Really?" Viktor seems curious. "And what did it look like?"

Papa clears his throat. He is obviously uncomfortable. "Hans said it resembled... a human being."

Viktor turns to Nicolae. "Did you hear that? It looks human. And Herr Schneider's son saw it... how fascinating."

Nicolae remains stony faced. Viktor addresses me: "And you, young Drogo? Did you see it too?"

I shake my head. "No. I did not. But I believe my brother."

"Hmmm... do you?" Viktor comments, rhetorically. He looks at Nicolae again: "I hope the beast doesn't make an appearance tonight. That could be... disastrous."

Papa nods in agreement. "Yes, I agree. On the other hand... it would have to take on all five of us at once."

Viktor smirks. "That is true, isn't it? Still... I hope we don't have to deal with an unpleasant situation."

I raise my eyebrows: "Unpleasant? That's an interesting way of describing total carnage... I, for one, hope to run into the murderous demon."

"Why is that?" Viktor asks.

"Because I plan to kill it," I answer.

"And you think you can take it out on your own?" Viktor smirks. "When it's successfully killed four others... or was it five?" He glances at Nicolae who doesn't react.

"I have every intention of doing so. You see... it's personal," I say.

"Because of your brother?" Viktor asks.

"Not only that. The beast also killed my girl," I say.

Nicolae suddenly looks at me. "You mean that girl you were with by the river?"

I nod 'Yes.' He looks taken aback.

"Are you sure she was killed by the beast?" Nicolae asks me point blank. "Who told you that?"

"Papa went to see Dr. Krantz today... According to the doctor, there were four victims: the two thugs who attacked me, Karl - my brother's good friend, and Liezel." I look Nicolae straight in the eye. "Why? Have you heard a different story?"

"Yes... Nicolae, have you?" Viktor interjects.

Nicolae shrugs. "I just didn't know anything about a girl," he answers monotonously.

"How curious," Viktor remarks.

We are still moving at great speed when Peter suddenly jerks the reins. The stallions both neigh and come to a sudden stop, making a cloud of dust. Papa grabs his chest, startled.

"It appears we have arrived," Viktor says.

"That was some interesting driving," I mutter under my breath as I open the carriage door.

Drogo:  Death of a man, birth of a vampireTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang