Chapter 20. Sophie: Trapped by the Bartholys

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I struggle to open my eyes.  My head feels like it's going to burst.  I don't know how long I was asleep.  The bedroom I wake up in is completely unfamiliar.  It is decorated in a very masculine style.  All the furniture is solid black mahogany.  The bedspread is a dark green satin and matches the pillows and curtains.  Two heavy brass candlesticks are placed on each of the dressers by the bed.

"Mamma," I call out.  My voice feels weak.  There's no answer.

I try to wake myself up but I feel extremely drowsy.  It must have been that cognac!  Where is everyone?  I stand up, but immediately feel dizzy and have to sit back down.  My heartbeat is racing.  Why would Nicolae drug us?  I don't understand.  He and Peter seemed so nice and we were getting on so well...

I wait a little longer, listening for any sounds, but hear nothing.  The house is completely silent.  I try to stand up again.  This time I succeed, although I'm very wobbly.  I hold on to the furniture to steady my legs.  After a few deep breaths, I feel able to take a few steps.  I walk to the door and try to open it.  It's locked from outside.  I go to the window and open a curtain, but am faced with a solid brick wall.  This must be the inner courtyard...

I try to pry the window open, but it's bolted shut.  I'm beginning to feel claustrophobic.  The need to get out of this room is overwhelming.  I undo the top buttons on my dress to breathe easier.  I also take my shoes off - I feel much steadier barefoot.

I try the door again, but it doesn't budge.  I press my ear against it, hoping to hear something... anything.  I whisper "Mamma," but get no reply.  This is ridiculous.  I've been kidnapped by my cousins.  I think back on my conversation with Viktor.  He told me that the choices we make can decide whether we live or die.  Could he be that mad?  I sit down feeling hopeless.  What's going to happen to me?

The house remains silent for what feels like an eternity.  Then... I hear the faint sound of horses neighing somewhere outside the manor.  The front door opens and shuts.  I freeze.  I must hide somewhere.  I peek under the bed but there are boxes stacked everywhere, so there's no room for me there.  I listen again, and hear several masculine voices coming from below.  I must be in an upper bedroom.

There are footsteps approaching.  I grab one of the heavy metal candlesticks and prepare to use it in my defense.

The footsteps stop right outside my door.  I hold my breath for several seconds.  I hear a key turning and the door starts to open.  I stand right behind it, waiting.  The shadow of a man appears on the floor.  I raise the candlestick, ready to strike.

"I know you're there," I recognize Nicolae's voice.  "Put it down."

I leap out screaming as loud as I can.  I try to hit him with my weapon, but he easily disarms me.  It looks like child's play to him.  He actually smirks as he grabs and twists my arm making me drop the candlestick.  The screams die in my throat and are replaced with weeps.  I am angry at myself for being so weak.

"Do you need some time alone?"  Nicolae raises an eyebrow.  "I can leave and lock you up in here for the rest of the night..."

I shake my head and barely speak:  "No... Please, don't."

Nicolae nods.  "If I let go of your arm, will you settle down?"

"Yes," I murmur.  "I promise."

He eases his grip on me.  I try to take advantage of the situation and kick him in the shin as hard as I can.  It's like hitting a brick wall.  He doesn't even flinch. 

"Tsk, tsk... You promised," Nicolae says evenly.  "How can I trust you now?"

"What do you want from me?"  I yell.  "Why did you lock me in here?"

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