1. Odile Maeve

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As my joints popped from stretching, I yawned out of pure, unfiltered, boredom that was increasingly growing. I would like to read as I wait for the next person to mosy their way up to the counter... But, alas, I can't because my boss doesn't allow it and I asked. Well, more like begged, but that's far from the point.

I could disobey his orders... However, I have bills to pay and a black hole that I call a stomach to fill.

While I picked at my polish nails with a very plain expression plastered on my face, the tiny bell at the entrance chimed to indicate a new customer -or possibly a regular who would be ordering the same coffee like they do every day- just came inside the homely cafe.

Though, given the fact that the already paid customers gasped as if they saw a celebrity, it was a high chance it wasn't the boring old regulars but someone new. Someone most people would know and recognize because of how well known this person was. I didn't give my attention to whoever came in due to not caring or have any interest in knowing until this person gets my attention.

By now, I could be in my room imagining fictional characters being together and get married. It's a lot better than dealing with actual humans.

Before I could get deeper into my fantasies for my favourite characters in books, a man cleared his throat loudly to try and get my focus which worked. I glanced up to the man with a frown sprawled across my expression.

As I am mentally scolding, cursing, and kicking the person who dared to interrupt my blissed daydream, I saw two big guys chilling behind an unreasonably attractive man. I forced a welcoming smile to them.

Then it clicked...

This guy had bodyguards.

Shutting my eyes tightly for a split second before opening up to see that it was true, I decided to take my time looking at this possible spoiled rich brat. I inaudibly muttered, "Shit," in a prolonged manner before recovering by saying, "Hi, welcome to Strawberry Melon Cafe. How may I be able to assist you today, my Majesty?"

He leaned over the counter, his gloved hands holding him up on the surface and his eyes sparkingly with some unknown intentions. "Do you believe in love at first sight, Madame?"

"Oh, for sure," I started as the prince's face lit up insignificantly -but still very noticeable to me. "When I first lay my eyes on-"

"Then we are on the same page, Miss." -he glanced down to my name tag- "Odile Maeve." Taking my hand with his, he pressed his lips the back of my hand ever-so-softly. So gentlemanly. It made me shiver, and I really had the urge to snatch my hand away. However, I felt like that'll make me appear disrespectful... So, I didn't.

Instead, I dislodge an invisible food particle in my throat and inquired, "Oh... Are we now?"

"You were about to say that you fell deeply in love with me when we locked eyes, were you not?"

"Most definitely not."

"Then what were you going to say?" He lifted an eyebrow in curiosity.

I cleared my throat before saying, "When I first lay eyes on some delicious looking baked good, I fall madly in love with it, my Majesty." The bodyguards stifle a snicker behind him as a rosy tint formed onto his cheeks, obviously feeling embarrassed that he guessed it wrong.

Something told me he was used to the opposite gender just simply go head over heels over him by simply existing. But not I.

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