2. Xavier Fletcher

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What was happening here? Shouldn't she be filled with glee and begging to be in my arms? Most importantly, why was my heart pounding as loud as it was now?

"What would you be having today, sir?" she asked with her politest voice, breaking me from my thoughts.

"Your love," I attempted once more with my charming personality as I lift my hand up to her hair that looked so dangerously soft. It was as shiny as the floors back at the castle. You could probably see your reflection in her hair. Does it glisten under the moonlight so beautifully?

Oh, imagine how gorgeous she'll be on the romantic date I would plan for us. And, as for our wedding, it would be outstanding. Definitely with her in the white dress. With her genes and mine, we would have really cute babies. They'll practically be gods and goddesses when they grow up. They'd be radiating beauty and attracting everyone's eyes. We'll be the picture-perfect family. I'd be the perfect husband and she'd be a wonderful wife. We'll go to the parks where the commoners go to. Visit many places. Raise them to be great.

"Er... That would be incredibly impossible to consume or make in this cafe, my Majesty," she told me with that welcome smile on her face. "Would you like to pick from the menu above us?" Odile had said all of that without missing a beat and swatted my hand away from her hair.

Am I losing my charms?

Frowning when I hear my guards trying to hide the laughter of my failure on capturing this young maiden's heart.

Sighing, I glimpsed up to the board above to see what caffeinated drink I crave for. I guess I'll drown my sorrows and heartbreak with a venti cup of coffee. Though nothing intrigued me, so I said in a disgruntled, "Venti and surprise me."

"A surprise it will be." She sounded awfully cheerful after rejecting me. What did she find so amusing about shattered a heart into a million glistening pieces? "Six dollars and twenty-two cents is your total." I paid her the money as she gave me back the change and said, "Your order will be ready shortly, sir. Please find a place to sit in the meantime."

Slouching as I hear my mother's voice saying that it's not proper for a prince to do, I scuffled away from the counter and halted at some girls who squealed in glee. I flashed them my famous smile, kneeling down to their level, and talked to them for a few moments. They asked for my signature on their school supplies and I kindly accepted it. I wrote my name in elegant and best cursive handwriting.

After they were done with asking their queries, I went to an open seat in a corner with my guards standing near me. I didn't lose my charms. I thought to myself with a smile on my face. Females do still find me mesmerizing.

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