H.B.5- GoodBye, Love..

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Yoongi Was shocked..
All the students were shocked..

Everyone had their lips parted, eyes widened.
He looked at her, to find that her face was red in anger..

Her eyes were filled with tears, she looked like she was ready to choke someone to death.

She harshly pulled her arms from the two girls who already had their grip loosened.

She turned to them and... slapped them with all her force.

She turned to look at Yoongi, with red puffy eyes.

A tear betrayed her and slip down.
Causing her to slap his chest, many times.

"I HATE YOU! I HATE YOU I HATE YOU! I HOPE YOU DIE JUST THE WAY I WILL DO ANY MINUTE NOW! COULD'NT YOU JUST READ THAT PRIVATELY?! anyways I won't be offended the much you will be, i will be gone, you will live."

She said as she pulled out the necklace she had and threw it straight in his face.

"H- Hyun-soo..?" He stuttered quietly making her scoff.

"Yes. Now what? Hug me? Say that you're sorry and that you missed me? Screw you.. because of you, I'm suffering.. because of your bullying to me, my time of living becomes less and less, day by day."

"I- I didn't know it was y-you..."

"So?! You would do that to anyone?!"


"Shut up! JUST SHUT THE SHIT UP. Im done with this bullshit, Yoongi."

"Please, I'm sorry.."

Everyone was watching the scene horrified, they didn't know what exactly was happening.

"You know what, even though i just said that i hate you, i still can't kill my feelings for you.. I'm being tortured.. because of you. I don't know why i still like you after all those bruises and cuts i have on my body because of you."

She lifted up her sleeves showing him all the cuts she had.

"It- beca- o- y-yo- u" she collapsed on the floor, passed out.

Jin quickly pushed the crowed away, looking at Yoongi furiously..

Jin was there, watching everything, be also had tears in his eyes..

But he let her get her anger out, he wanted her to let out everything .

His face was all red, he, without a word, lift Hyun-Soo up and ran out of the school, to the hospital.

Meanwhile, Yoongi was sliding down the lockers with his back, crying miserably.

"Screw my life." He said between his tears.

Everyone soon started walking away, laughing and giggling and continuing their daily school day.

He glanced at the necklace which was now broken of the floor.

He started collecting the prices sobbing.
He held one specific piece in his hand, the picture that was in the necklace.

A picture of him and her hugging when they were 14.

The very last picture of them, that day, he promised he will always stay by her side, and will get her as a girlfriend when they are allowed to.

A tear left his eye unconsciously, why is that happening now? Why did he ruin his last chance?
The next day, Yoongi came in all black, to find Jin, also wearing black.

But he had this depressed look, Yoongi walked to his locker, thinking about how he would apologize to Hyun-Soo.

He turned around to find Jin standing and spreading some envelopes for the students.

Some students were laughing, some threw the paper away, some step on it, and some kept staring at it in shock.

Jin was Soon in front of Yoongi, he gave him a disgusted look saying "if i was her, I would've never wanted you to be there, but she was the one who insisted to print one for you."

He said throwing a paper on Yoongi's face then leaving.

Yoongi was too weak to react, so he just held the paper and read what was on it.

Just to get shocked, he fell on his knees hugging the paper as tight as possible.

The paper that said:

"Invitation to: Min yoongi to attend Mrs. Hyun-Soo's Funeral, date will be on Wednesday, in the afternoon."


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