Chapter 2: And So It Begins

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Freshman year of high school was when my depression hit. It all started on a late December night. I was in my room, listening to Pierce The Veil when all of a sudden, my parents barge in my room asking all these questions. "Why'd you skip class today?! Your damn at risk coordinator called and said you skipped 3rd period!!"

I responded with, "Mom, Dad, calm down. I didn't skip class. I was there the entire 55 minutes learning about Spanish culture."

My parents weren't convinced. They took my phone away, my television, my video game systems, basically everything except my guitar. I'm glad they didn't take my guitar away. Music always helped me through the good and the bad.

I honestly have no idea why Mrs. Coronado called my parents claiming I skipped class. But whatever it was, it made me really mad.

So I did the only thing I could think of. I opened my drawer and looked for my favourite blade, once in hand, I went at my right arm. I had cut so deep, I had no clue if I was going to survive. This is the start of my depression.

I got my ass busted for no reason, and I got accused of bullshit that wasn't even true at school.

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