Chapter 6: Tricked you.

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As time went on, Mary and I grew closer together. We learned more about each other every day. Everyone said that we were the cutest couple on planet earth. Honestly, we both agreed. She was perfect. She was simply amazing. We even made a promise. As long as we were together, we would not cut, and no matter what happens, we'll always be by each others sides.

For once, I had a smile on my face. A genuine smile on my face. I hadn't been this happy since 5th grade.

December 24th, 2011. Christmas was approaching fast and I didn't know what to get Mary. I searched all over the store for anything she'd like. Finally I went to Best Buy and bought her the latest Issues album. I was a big fan of Issues and so was she. On Christmas day, I gave her the present, and she was happy. But not as happy as she could be. "Jake, I love it..but why so cheap?" She asked. "Well what else did you want..? I'll rush to the store and get it." I answered. She shook her head in disbelief. "I wanted a promise ring...with a diamond and everything..." She said. "Mary..I love you..I just don't have that kind of money right now.." I replied.

She seemed angry at me. "Are you mad at me..?" I asked shyly. " least you got me something. All my past relationships gave me like a kiss and a hug. You went out of your way to buy me something." She said.

Yeah. At least I bought her something. But that wasn't enough for her apparently. I had $500 in the bank, so I got all my cash out, went to the mall, and bought her the most beautiful ring anyone had ever seen. The next day, she came up and said, "Jake..I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be a bitch last night..." I answered, "It's okay. Hey I got you something."

"What'd you get me?" She said. I got on one knee and in front of God and everybody, I said, "Mary Evans, will you marry me?" She held out her hand and I put the ring on her finger, she was in tears. Everyone around us clapped for us. I had the cheesiest smile on my face. She couldn't have been happier.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2014 ⏰

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