Chapter 5: Happiest Day Ever!

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The next day, I found Mary at lunch. I sat by her and she seemed happy that I did. We talked and talked until the bell rang for 6th period. We went to the same class so we walked together. When suddenly, she stopped me and said, "Uh Jake.. There's a question I've been meaning to ask you, and that's...." My heart was bursting out of my chest I was so excited. "Will you be my boyfriend..?" She asked shyly. I hugged her so tight at that moment. In my head, no one was around. I whispered in her ear, "yes."

Tears shed from her eyes as she realised that I hadn't turned her down. She gave me a huge hug and we held hands to class. We were late by 3 minutes, but did we care? No. We were too happy to care.

The next morning, I woke up and texted Mary immediately saying, "Good morning darling." She replied with, "Good morning honey." I couldn't have been happier.

I got to school and looked for Mary. As soon as I found her, I ran and hugged her, almost tackling her to the floor. She hugged me back and the day went on. By the end of the night, we had had the best day ever. Nothing could stop us from being happy. All I cared about was her, and all she cared about was me.

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