IV- Crush.

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Ugh, I'm so done.
I procrastinate so much that it's pushing me to the edge. But the real problem is not even that. The real problem here is after procrastinating I end up completing stuff(lots of pressure, anxiety included) but that just pushes me to procrastinate more because I know I'll do and can do the given task. You know what I mean?

Anyways gotta run to the cafe. I still don't know why am I working there cause not to brag but my parents are rich. But I think it's the vibes mostly, makes me calm down and like think.

 What's that word? Yeah be mindful. 

But since the past few days it's nothing like it.
I'll give you a hint: Starts with a V and ends with  ACHIRAWIT, and is 10 letters long.

Yep you got it.

Since whatever happened last time, which is 5 days ago I've been REALLY confused and annoyed and cranky. My mind just flutters to the  feathery haired boy. Like I can't stop thinking about him.
But can you blame me? He's my best friend. Well yeah it has been a short time since I first met him but still we bonded. I yet cannot figure out what got in me the other day but I need to figure it out and do something.

The coffee shop is like 5 minutes from my condo so I reach there and put on my apron. Made it just in time. It's 7.  I need to work 3 hours(maybe slack in between, who knows?)then I'm going back to complete my business assignment.

I serve a few customers their drinks and snacks. Seeing that there are no more customers in the queue I plonk myself on the stool and take out my business book. Your boy's got tests coming up and needs to study otherwise his parents might kill him.

It was around 45 minutes till no one came to get anything and I'm glad because I could read a whole chapter and make notes by the side.
'Excuse me." A girl says.

It's time.
I look up and it's not any other girl, it's Love. Standing alongside my dearest friend. (note sarcasm) 
See now this has been happening at the same exact time for the past 5 days. Which I'm eCsTaTiC about. Fucking pretty girl shows up with pretty guy. Sorry pretty girl shows up with my friend.

"So the usual?" I ask.

"Actually I want to try something new this time. I think I'll go with the banoffee milkshake." Love smiles brightly.

Vachirawit just nods. He's got this look on his face whenever he makes eye contact with me. I don't understand what he wants to convey through that look of his. But can you blame me?? I'm a normal human being and cannot read expression-less expressions.

"That'll be $9.59."
The boy reaches for his pocket and pays. Again.

Why do people waste so much money on coffee anyways?? You don't need to come in everyday to get your stupid black coffee, just make it at home. It's not even difficult. It's just a spoonful of coffee and water and two sugars. But nope, these people have the money to waste.

Okay I am stop otherwise if the people actually do this then this cafe is going to have to shut down and the owner is a lovely old woman with her grandson will have to find another way for income. Plus this coffee shop has like started since 1993 so it's stuffed with memories too. Also buying coffee helps the economy so that's good too I guess.

I walk over to the two's table where they were giggling like kids to serve the coffee and milkshake. When I arrived at their table they like just stopped.
I place the mugs on the table and walk away like I always do.

"Thanks Win." Love yells. I nod not looking back. More like not wanting to look back. She's really sweet but she doesn't know that she's kinda the problem Vachirawit is not talking to me. But again it's not her fault. I don't know what happens to me when I see them together.

Why didn't I think this earlier??
I'm such an idiot.
God, I hope no one is as dumb as me.
I should've thought this earlier but now I did.

I'm going to wikihow it!!

- - - - -

"Bright, c'mon now. Look at Win, he really likes you. And loves Bright."

"Not now Love. I need to observe him more and get to know the littlest little things about him before telling anything or involving him."

"Dude you remember we have 2 months from now right?"

"Yes I do. That doesn't mean I'll involve a random dude in this mission."

"You seem pretty invested him though." Love smirks evily at me.

"I know you don't hate my girlfriend but please keep Win out of that. I'm just spending more time with him to understand his abilities. "

"Oh already possessive about Win."
Her smirk just grows.

"Please remove that disgusting smirk off your face."

"Sure whatever you say big guy. But dude look at him, well look at him look at me. He looks at me like he loathes me. He thinks you and me are a thing, which is even bigger of a tragedy than you already are. Ouch-" Yes, that was me punching her.

"Anyways coming back to my point I believe he hates me because I'm 'stealing' you. And please like my standards haven't dropped so low that I'd ever choose you plus I'm happily engaged. Thank you."

"Fuck off. Also you better watch your mouth if you don't want me to punch you, again."

She shakes her head. I snicker. She hits my hand. You might think she's just a skinny girl with no power in her whatsoever but she has a lot of strength.
I hit her back and she hits me again. We burst out laughing.

That's what I like about our friendship. We bicker a lot, insult eachother to death but it just takes one laugh to move on.

"I need some more time until I drop the bomb."

"Yeah of course but don't take too long. We'll need his innocent face. You just need to see if we can trust him and if he's actually capable of doing shit. Better safe than sorry."

"Yes so moral of the story is have safe sex kids because you don't want to end up like my dearest friend Love here."

"Hey that was ONCE. I was REALLY VERY convinced I was pregnant. But my idiot fiancé is to blame."

"You guys could strip in a second but couldn't tear a small piece of foil."

"Well at least we make things interesting unlike you guys."
There she goes again.

"I'm happy with my girlfriend and my sexual fulfillment. Thanks."

We continue our banter but of course I couldn't ignore the fact that a pair of eyes were on me.

Wait bunny boy, I have a lot in store for you. I hope you can take it all in and not complain midway.

- - - - -
Wikihow is dumb.

It was the only website I truly trusted in the internet but I guess not anymore. . .

Crush is dumb.
I'm not even gay.
I do not have a crush on Vachirawit. I just met him a few weeks ago and we don't talk anymore. So guess internet's quizzes are very wrong.
Nah this is not right. I mean how can these quizzes know if I have a crush on someone or not. 

Are they though?

Hello how are you doing today??
So this chapter low-key is a filler one but it sort of directs what Bright wants/(feels??) about Win and vice versa.

Also what is happening to Win? Why does he feel green when he sees bright with someone else?? Guess we'll never know. *smirks*
Lmao I'm trying to sound mysterious but I'm really clueless rn. 😂😭

Although I will tell ya something, I'm really looking forward to the next two chapters cause well it's. . . Interesting.

Okay I'm done now.
Wash your hands and Ciao!! 🙏

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