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A/N: First of all THANK YOUU SO MUCH for 2K reads. Also SORRY. Longer apology and letter of gratitude in the end. So for now enjoy the 4900+ word chapter. I have included snips(✂) so anytime you get a bit bored just skip to the next snip, although I wouldn't really recommend it but just in case. But you HAVE to read ✂(1),✂(3) and ✂(4). Alright goodbye until we meet again in the end. 


I hope today is an eventful day.


Jeez okay! But I'm sure today I spent lesser time in the washroom. Bathrooms for some reason are like my safe space. No one is there to judge you or your thoughts, just you and solitary. For some reason people really do not care about their bathroom space.

Assuming an average adult spends 30 minutes in their bathrooms that means 182 hours in a year. In my opinion it is quite careless that people overlook this small but important space. I mean I get my best ideas in the shower. Honestly you can't even blame me if I spend quite some time in this luxurious bathroom. Good looking bathrooms are no foreign to me but this space is very. . . Vogue-ish. Black marble tiles spread three of the walls;one wall being completely covered with a mirror surrounded by a thick strip of LED light. The light illuminates the mirror lightly making it look like it's floating.

I'm not going to lie, I've examined every corner of this bathroom to find something intriguing. I thought the biggest robber in the world must've hidden some dirty secrets in here. But so far all I found is this soap bar, well actually 3. It has two pieces of soap form a sort of protection case enclosing the third bar.

I tried to look for some secret clues or whatever (just in case he's one of those genius maniacal people who hide secret messages in random things) but I got zero

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I tried to look for some secret clues or whatever (just in case he's one of those genius maniacal people who hide secret messages in random things) but I got zero. It would've been great if something I could use to blackmail him if he wanted to kill me midway.

Maybe he likes to approach things in a straightforward way.

"COMING." I turn off the shower and quickly put on a black sweatshirt and a pair of black jeans. I make my way to the living room where the boy is sitting. He's sat leg crossed on the sofa while flickering back and forth between TV channels.

"Breakfast's on table." He says looking straight at the TV. I go to the dining table to see a plate of neatly stacked pancakes with strawberries on top. I drench my pancakes with this smoked maple syrup. Sounds fancy already doesn't it?? I might've put too much syrup considering it's slightly flowing down the big plate. Well I don't eat it often so hey I'm allowed to treat myself.

I take my plate and plop myself down on the sofa beside Bright. He continues to press the button on the remote until je finally stops. Ah it looks like he's finally chosen what to watch. I look up to see what's he watching. We watch the programme silently for five minutes. I expect him to change the channel but he doesn't do so.

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