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Lee's POV

What happened in that bathroom?

That was the question I couldn't get out of my mind. She seemed so upset, so shocked, and most of all, so scared. I wanted to help, but she pushed me away. After she left, I watched as she ran to Rosie's house and Sqaishey let her in.

Then I broke down into tears. I sobbed for nearly an hour, because I didn't know what happened. If I knew, I could help her with it. I loved her so much, but she still pushed me away.

After I stopped crying, I took a long, hot shower to attempt to clear my head. I failed. I couldn't stop thinking about her face when that door opened. Her face was pale from the sickness, and soaked with tears. Her usually soft pink hair was frizzed and in her face, sticking to it.

I didn't know who I was looking at in that moment.

She seemed so frightened, so shocked, and so distressed from whatever happened in that bathroom. I decided to investigate it. After I finished my shower and dried off, I dropped to the floor and began searching around for something that could tell me what happened.

Then I found a piece of cardboard, ripped off of a box. I picked it up and read the words on the cardboard. 'Remember: a pink + means positive (congrats!) and a blue - means negative (better luck next time!)'

Wait what?

I read the cardboard again, and again, and again, trying to figure out what that meant. Then it hit me: back when I was younger, when my mum was pregnant with Beth, she took a pregnancy test and that's what the box said.

I smiled, thinking of my little 7 year old sister. She was a bear, like me, only with red fur instead of brown, and a little white dress as her everyday clothes. But then it hit me, what the cardboard meant, and what happened in that bathroom.

Amy had taken the test.

It was positive.

She freaked out.

She left because she was afraid.

I sighed, staring at the cardboard again. How could she not tell me? I shook my head. She's afraid, if I was pregnant I wouldn't tell her either. I placed the cardboard in my pocket and ran out of the bathroom, running to Rosie's house and standing outside.

I knocked on the door tentatively, waiting for someone to answer it. Finally, Netty came to the door. "Lee? What are you doing here?" she asked, and I frowned. "I know Amy's pregnant."

Her eyes widened. "W-what? She's n-not pregnant, that preposterous!" I crossed my arms. "I found a ripped up piece of cardboard in the bathroom, and it was from a pregnancy test. What other explanation is there?"

She sighed. "I'm guessing you wish to speak to her now. She's taking a bath, but you can hang out here until she's out." I thanked her, and I walked inside to see Salem and Rosie playing chess in the corner, and Sqaishey reading a book in the kitchen. They all looked up when they heard the door shut.

They all gasped. "Lee! Why are you here?!" Rosie shrieked quietly, as if for Amy not to hear. "I'm here because I know she's pregnant," I hissed, and they all grew silent. Sqaishey came from the kitchen and stood in front of me.

"You know she doesn't wish to see you right now," she said quietly, and I nodded. "Yes, I know. But I need to speak to her about this. She can't keep this from me!" Sqaishey growled.

"She's afraid, Lee! We all are; she's pregnant, for crying out loud! The wedding hasn't even been set yet, you haven't been engaged a week, her family still doesn't know about that! She's under a lot of pressure, trying to keep all of this in without snapping!"

I frowned. "I know she's got a lot on her plate, but that still doesn't mean she can run away from me so she doesn't have to tell me! I'll have to know eventually!" Then a quiet voice came from the hallway, and we all turned to it in shock.

"It's ok, girls. Lee, I'm sorry."

Amy walked out of the hallway and stood in front of me after slightly pushing Sqaishey aside. "Can we talk in private, Lee? In the hallway?" I nodded, and she dragged me into the hallway. "Lee, why are you here?" she hissed.

"I know you're pregnant, Amy. How could you keep this from me?" She sighed. "Lee, I'm under so much stress right now. I've barely been engaged a week, the wedding hasn't been planned, and I'm pregnant. Everything's gonna be put on hold." I held up a paw. "No they won't. We'll do the wedding before your stomach begins to get bigger."

Amy stared down at her flat stomach, tears filling her eyes. "I'm so scared, Lee. What are we going to do?" Her dark blue eyes glimmered as she glanced up at me, and I put my finger under her chin. "It'll be alright, Amy. As long as we continue this as stress-free as possible, we'll be fine. Ok?"

She smiled, and lifted her head up and pressed her lips against mine. I kissed back immediately, but the kiss didn't last long as the girls cooed at us from the living room. We both turned to see Salem, Rosie, Sqaishey, and Netty all grinning at us. "Notch, I'm so excited for this little child!" Salem squealed, and Amy and I rolled our eyes, acting as if we were gonna play it cool.

But honestly, I could tell we were both terrified.

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