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Amy's POV

After Lee took me home, I went into the kitchen and began making myself some pork chops. I was eating for two, after all. "Hungry?" Lee asked, wrapping his arms around my waist. "Very. Want some pork chops?" He nodded. "I'll have two. Anyways Amy, we need to talk about some things. Nothing bad though."

I turned to him. "Of course. Just let me get our food in the furnace and we'll talk." He nodded, and sat at the kitchen table as I put five pork chops in the furnace. I sat down in front of him, and he smiled. "So, how are you on this whole pregnancy thing?"

I shrugged. "I don't know really. Scared, I suppose, but excited. I mean, I'm going to be a Mum, you're gonna be a Dad; what isn't there to be excited about?" He nodded. "I agree. I could tell you were scared at Rosie's house. But Amy, here's the thing."

He took my hands in his. "We're both nervous, and excited, right? But what about everyone else? What will they think? What about Hit The Target? He's still out and about, there's no telling what he'll do."

I sighed. "Must we think of him? I want to enjoy my pregnancy, and so far, talking about him won't help me do that." Lee chuckled softly. "You're right. I'm sorry. So, what are you hoping for?" "A little girl, definitely. I want to cover her room with nature-y things."

He chuckled. "As enjoyable as that would be, I'd hope for a son. A fighter, that'd be awesome." I placed my hands on my waist. "Are you saying girls can't fight?"

His face paled. "No, I'm not-" I giggled. "I know you don't, I was joking." I slapped his arm and stood up to get the pork chops. Once I handed him his, I sat down in my chair. "So Lee, we need to prepare their room. We don't know the gender, so I'll try to make it unisex color-wise. But they're be flowers and nature-y things everywhere."

Lee nodded, pecking my lips and pulling away just as quickly. "I agree on that. It'll look awesome, I can tell you that. They'll go in the guest room, because we planned that ahead of time, before we even finished the house." I giggled. "You're right."

"Are you nervous?"

Lee's question caught me off guard, and I didn't answer straight away. Was I nervous? "I... I don't know, actually. We'll have to travel to my home world to tell my parents, of course. Telling over the phone will not do whatsoever."

His eyes widened. "You've told them about me, right?!" I nodded. "Yes, of course! They're thrilled to meet you someday!" Lee smiled. "Looks like that someday is coming sooner than we thought. You're home world is ages away, we'll have to take the S.S Stampy!"

I nodded. "We will. A week there will suit perfectly for us. We'll leave soon, possibly today if we're lucky. I'll call them later on and say we'll arrive within a few days. Shall we pack?" He nodded. "I'll pack for you. You call your parents. What are their names again?"

"Ali and Tyson. They'll love you, and my family will as well. When I told my sister, she was ecstatic. Remember Lynn?" He nodded. "I spoke to her on the phone. She sounded friendly enough, I suppose." I scoffed. "Lynn is the sweetest! She loves you!" He smiled. "I know. So I'm finally gonna meet your parents?" I grinned.

"Looks like it."

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