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Amy's POV
Soon after we set sail, I began to feel sea sick, so I stayed up on the upper deck for a while. Fortunately, I didn't throw up right away, so I looked over the waters for a while before everyone turned in for bed.

Lee told me to come down when I was ready, and he went to bed as well. But Squid was the only one who stayed up, since he had to pilot the ship. "You feeling alright, Amy?" he asked after a while, and I nodded. "I'm fine, Squiddy. I'm pregnant, not terminally ill."

He chuckled. "I know that, Amy. I still care for you, you know." I walked over to him and nodded. "I know." "You realize I still have feelings for you, too, right?" I nodded again. "I had a feeling. I'm sorry you have to see the one you love getting married." He sighed. "It's alright, I suppose. Besides, I'm thinking someone else will suit me fancy."

"Is it Lynn?"

"... Maybe."

I giggled. "Squid, liking Lynn is alright! She's beautiful, and your type! I don't blame you at all." He smiled. "I'd hope so. But that doesn't mean I'll ever stop having feelings for you as well." I stared out at the water. "I understand that. But Lee's the one for me. What you did a while ago was despicable." "I realize that, and I apologized for it several times," he defended, his eyes not leaving the waters ahead. "I know you did. Wanna know a secret?" He turned to me and nodded. "What is it?" I smirked.

"I think Lynn likes you too."

He blushed, and since his skin was blue, his cheeks turned a purplish shade. "R-really?" I nodded. "She told me last time I called her. Lynn thinks you're handsome, funny, and a great person in general." Squid grinned. "Did she really?"

"She did."

"That makes me feel like I have a chance with women."

I rolled my eyes. "I'd hope so, Squid. I'm still feeling seasick, so I'm gonna stay up here for a little-" My sentence was cut off by my nausea, and I leaned over the side of the ship.

My choking sounds became the loudest sound on the waters, other than the crashing waves. Squid immediately left the wheel and patted my back gently. Once I finished, I rested my head on the ship's edge, the said body part pounding. "You alright, Amy?" Squid asked.

I sat up and nodded. "I'm alright. I'm just gonna head to bed now, because I'm really tired now. Hauling around a baby is stressful enough." He chuckled, kissing my head in a friendly way. "Sleep well, Amy. I'm gonna be sleeping all day tomorrow, and waking up in the evening to steer the boat. See you then." I nodded and went into me and Lee's room, falling asleep in his arms.
*three days later*
I stood on the upper deck, at around eight in the morning, with Squid steering as per usual. We were supposed to arrive soon, and since I woke up before dawn, I decided to get up and hang oh with Squid until we arrived.

After ten minutes of silence, Squid turned to me with a sly smile. "So, will you and Lee discuss the wedding with Ali and Tyson and Lynn? From what I know, families usually go to weddings, so they'd want to have something to do with it."

I nodded. "Of course we will. Lynn and I will look at wedding dresses, like sisters do, Mum and Dad will make Lee discuss things with them, like parents do; it'll be alright." He nodded. "Just curious." He suddenly squinted his eyes and gasped.


I turned to where he was looking, and I saw the faint light of a glowstone torch, the more common light source of my home world. "We've arrived!" I cheered, running into the rooms and banging on all the doors.

"Everyone wake up! We've reached land, wake up to greet my family!" Groans of annoyance, and slight cheers of excitement came from the rooms, and I scurried upstairs to the upper deck.

I stared at the land, where the glowstone torch got brighter. Suddenly, the silhouette of someone filled my vision, and I saw light red hair, kinda like a dark pink, head of hair standing on the island, and I grinned.

It was my sister, Lynn.

We had arrived.

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