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Amy's POV
Why my father didn't like Lee was beyond me. I glared at him as he sipped his tea. "Well..." Mum said, breaking the awkward silence. "Lynn, show the guests around the house. Amy, give us a hand with the breakfast?"

I knew that Mum wanted me and her to speak to Dad about Lee, so I nodded as Lynn led everyone upstairs. "Tyson! What is your problem?" Mum asked my father, and he turned to face us. "What do you mean?" I frowned. "Why don't you like Lee?" Dad sighed. "He doesn't seem... worthy to be your boyfriend."

Mum growled. "Lee is a sweetheart, I know that, even barely knowing him." "You're just overprotective, Dad," I sighed. "I love Lee, alright? You should understand that. Now, get to know him a bit, and then tell me what you think of him. How is he not worthy?"

Dad frowned. "Look, I'm just as nervous about meeting your boyfriend as the next guy, but I don't approve of him. But I probably will, I'm an understanding person, after all." Mum shook her head, then turned to me. "Honestly, Amy, help me with breakfast?"

I nodded happily. I used to cook with Mum all the time before I left for the Lovely World, so I knew what I was doing. Besides, today's breakfast would be special. I would tell my parents that Lee and I were engaged, and that I was pregnant. Lynn would be thrilled, I knew, as well as Mum, but with Dad disliking Lee already, I had a feeling it'd be kinda hard.

We finally finished making the breakfast, a large batch of pancakes, eggs, sausage, and bacon, we all sat around and bean to eat. I, being pregnant, ate quite a bit of food. Lynn laughed. "Amy, I haven't seen you eat that much before!" I giggled. "Well, I'm hungry."

I turned to Lee, asking silently if I could tell them, and he nodded briskly, continuing to eat his food. "Well, I have an announcement to make," I said, standing up. I had done this loads of times when I was little, so I wasn't embarrassed. "What is it?" Dad asked curiously.

"Well, Lee and I have been together for a while now, a long while, and recently, something has happened." They remained silent as I pulled my ring out of my pocket and held it up. "We're engaged!"

Lynn and Mum gasped happily. "Oh my Notch, Amy, this is wonderful! Congratulations, to you both!" Mum cheered, and Lee and I thanks her. "This is wonderful! I'm so happy for you!" Lynn said, hugging me and Lee happily. We thanked her, and I smirked.

"There's more news to share."

Dad, who looked slightly angry, widened his eyes. "What could be better than this?" I bit back my remark, and smiled happily. "Well... I'm pregnant!" Mum and Lynn couldn't keep back their cheers, and the others began to cheer as well. "This is so wonderful! Grandchildren, I'm so thrilled!" Mum said happily, turning to Dad.

"Isn't this wonderful Tyson?" Dad sighed, an obviously fake smile coming to his face. "Congratulations." He stood up, grabbed his tea, and went outside to the front porch. Lee groaned. "Amy, I told you one of your parents wouldn't like me!"

Lynn laughed. "He's always like this, he'll come around!" Mum sighed. "None of Amy's boyfriends have proposed to her or have gotten her pregnant before. There's no telling when he'll come around, but trust me Lee, he will!"

Lee sipped his orange juice. "I hope so. You two like me, right?" Lynn gasped. "Of course I like you! You're nice, treat Amy well, and you have respect for just about everyone; what's not to like?" Lee shook his head. "Ask your father; he knows apparently."

I sighed. I would make my father like Lee, if it was the last thing I have to do.

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