Janoskians ayye?

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We arrived at the Brooks residence but first we stopped off at maccas and got 6 milkshakes. When we got to the house We were greeted at the door by Beau.

"took ya time faggots" he said taking one of the milkshakes out of the i was holding

"your welcome" I said sarcastically

"oh my god thank you so much babe" he said in his gay voice, and giving me a kiss on the cheek

"your a smart ass" I said laughing.

We walked in further to the house and I saw Jai, Luke and James siting in the lounge room, Jai and James were playing the wii and Luke was on his phone.

"hey" they all said when we walked in

"wassup faggots" skip said as he put the milkshakes down and jumped on the couch in the middle of Jai and James and I sat down next to Beau on the other couch, Luke was siting in the arm chair.

"so Amanda, I heard you and my brother wagged today" Jai said making his eyebrows doing a little dance

I looked over at Luke who was smiling

"he forced me to" I said trying to remain serious, Luke laughed

"did you actually wag?" Skip said looking at both of us with a shocked look on his face

"and on your first day...wow" Beau said proudly and laughing.

Skip looked dissapointed, he kept making weird faces at Luke. What was that about?.

We sat there talking for about an hour and they told me about their YouTube channel and how they made video's, they had about 4000 views and about 200 subscribers. Their videos were like pranks. awkward situations, public disturbances, and mockumentaries. I watched a couple of their videos, they were actually really funny, I was expecting them to be gay and stupid but I was suprised. They were planing their next one, they were thinking about something called the rainbow milk challenge, sounded interesting.

Luke's P.O.V-

"so how come you guys are called the Janoskians?" she asked looking around at all of us

"if we tell you we will have to kill you" James said with a cheeky grin on his face

"come on, just tell Amanda she isnt gonna tell anyone" Jai said winking at her once he finished talking, what the fuck?

"alright. Just another name of silly kids in another nation" James said

"skip" skip added.

She laugh at how proudly Daniel said the last word.

"so Amanda, how did you get Luke to ditch school, the kid hasn't missed a class since primary school" Beau asked Amanda. He still sounded shocked that I actualy did it.

"she didn't make me, i wanted to" I interrupted

She gave me a smile,

"you were shutting yourself" she said shaking her head.

All the boys strarted laughing, I stuck the finger up at her and tried to keep a serious look on my face but I couldn't help smile when she started laughing, something about the way she laughed just wanted to make me make her laugh over and over again. Jai kept looking back and forth at me and her, than gave me a death stare. Seriously what's up his ass. I was just about to ask him when I was inturuoted in my train of though by Skip,

"Luke can you help me with something in the kitchen" he asked as he stood up and motioned his head to the kitchen. I followed him in there and than he shut the door behind me.

"what do you think your doing?" he said straight away with a stern look on his face

"what do mean?" I asked confused

"I asked you to keep her out of trouble not get in it with her" he said soundig annoyed and raising his voice a little

"it was just one day of school. Whats the big deal?" I said laughing confused

"it is a big deal Luke. Just look after Her okay?" he said startig. To shout but them changing it to a whisper when he remembered they were in the next room. Skip walked out of the kitchen and sat back down, James and Beau were still on the couch but I couldn't see Amanda and Jai.

"where are the others?" I asked

"um I think they went out side" James said not looking up from the tv

"I'll go get them so we can start filming" I said walking out of the lounge room. Honestly I couldn't care less about filming, I just didn't want Amanda and Jai to be alone together, it sounds harsh but it was just the way I felt, but I don't know why. I knew Jai had the hits for her but I wasn't sure if she felt the same way. I walked out the back door and saw Jai and Amanda siting on the deck, they were laughing, I walked clos towards them

"hey" I said letting them know I was there

"hey Lukey" she said with a massive smile

Jai gave me another death stair.

"um the boys wanna go film now, you coming Amanda?" I asked Her

"are you kidding me? I can't wait to see you guys throw up rainbows" she said excitedly as she ran inside.

"what the fuck?" Jai sais once he made sure she was inside

"what?" I said confused

"I finally had some alone time with her and you ruined it" he said annoyed

"so you like her?" I asked pretending not to care

"yeah?" he said shrugging her shoulders

"you know how protective Skip is over her, you really think he will like you of all people dating her?" I said regretting it as soon as I did

"what's that suppost to mean?" he asked sounding offended

"well you don't have the best past with girls Jai, you can't be in a relationship for more than a month" I said honestly

"so?" he said defensively

"you guys comin or what?" Beau said popping his head out the door, not noticing the tension between both of us.

"yep" I said as I turned around and walked inside. Well that was awkward.

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