friend zoned!!!

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Me and Skip were in the car driving home after just finishing making their video. It was pretty late and I was really tired. Skip had been acting kinda weird the whole night, I don't know what's going on with him. I got a text from Jai just as we were leaving

Text from Jai:- have fun tonight babe?

Reply: lots of fun! you guys are sexy when you vommit ;)

Jai was adorable, he was so kind and cute. I think he may have a little crush on me, he is always trying to get me along and always hugging and texting me. I like Jai but their is just something about Luke, he is deffenitly not like most guys I go out with, which is a good thing. My last boyfriends have all been sport obsessed sex Craveing jerks.

"you awake?" skip asked leaning forward while driving trying to see if my eyes are open or closed

"yeah im awake?" I said smiling and siting up a little

"Amanda?" skip started


"I know we havnt really known each other that long, but I do think of you as my sister and I want you to think of me as a brother, someone who you can trust and talk to. I know these few weeks havnt been easy on you and I just want you to know that Tony only wants what's best for you...we all do.

"thanks Skip" I said leaning over the gears and planting a kiss on his cheek "I love you Bro" I said Laughing and playfully punching his arm

"right back at ya sis" he said winking at me.

Luke's P.O.V-

Skip and Amanda just left, I was siting on my bed on my phone I kept writing things then backspacing them, I started this message about 20 times! This is what I had so far "hey Amanda, just wondering if you wanted to hangout sometime?" no it sounds to dorky. "hey babe you, me, Saturday night, my house, be there." no that just makes me sound like a dick. "wanna hangout this weekend?" that sounds alright, not to forward but not to casual. I was just about to push send when Jai barges through my bedroom door looking frustrated.

"what's up your ass?" I said locking my phone so he couldn't see the message

"Luke..I need your advise"

I looked at him curiously

"it's about a girl,"

I was shocked. For once my brother was the one coming to me for girl advise. Wow this feels good

"I think I've been friend zoned, you know alot about this, what should I do?" he said looking straight into my eyes.

My happy face dropped. He is such a dick.

"I don't know Jai, get out" I said pointing to the door

"oh come on Luke. Help a brother out" he said getting on his knees and holding his hands together begging me.

I groamed and gave in.

"I'm guessing your talking about Amanda yeah?" I asked already knowing the answer. Jai nodded

"well if you ask me, I really don't think she goes for guys like you" I said confidently, I wasnt sure if this was true or not but I said it anyway.

"then what kind of guy does she go for then Luke?" he asked in disbelief

"I don know...trustworthy, honest guys who want more from girls than sex?" I said shrugging my shoulders

"I'm honest! I'm trustworthy! I want more than sex!" he said defensively

I gave him a look that said 'really?'.

For all I know Amanda could be totally opposite, she may go for the rebellious bad boy type. I knew if Jai liked her as much as he sais he does he want stop until he gets her. I always get these vibes from her like she likes me but I could just be imagining them, I mean really..why would she like me when she could have Jai?.

Jai left and went to bed. I was about to unlock my phone and backspace the message, there was no point now. Suddenly my phone started vibrating, it was a message from Amanda!!

Text from Amanda: your are very attractive when you are vommiteing up rainbows Lukey ;).

Text to Amanda: haha thank you I try :). Did you get home safely?.

Text from Amanda: aww Luke you are so cute!! Yes I got home safely. Goodnight beautiful boy

she called me cute, and beautiful and wrote a love heart!!!! Oh my god! Don't over react Luke she probably just thinks of you as Jai's geeky twin brother. I wonder if she puts love hearts on then end of her texts to Jai?.

Amanda's P.O.V-

Luke Brooks just keeps getiing cuter and cuter. I have never met a boy like him before, he is so sweet and genuine. He actually cares about girls and respects them. And he is so hot!! I bet he only goes for the sweet brainy girls though, the ones that his mother would approve of and get 100%'s on everything...the complete opposite of me.

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