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I woke up the next morning to Ben violently thumping his drum sticks against his drum kit, he wasn't even playing a song he was just making noise. Loud, annoying noise at 7:00am.

"dude easy with the drums" I said in a tired angrily voice as I walked into his room snatching the drum sticks from his hands and collapsing on to his bed.

"So I've gathered that your not a morning person" he said still shocked that I took his sticks

"spot on" I said sticking my thumb at him and not taking my head off his pillow.

Me and Ben chilled in his room for a while, he told me about the girl he liked in his class and about all his mates. I was enjoying hanging out with Ben and to be honest I really didn't feel like siting through awkward conversation with my dad.

"Ben" Skip shouted as he bardged through his bedroom door "oh there you are" he said once he realized I was in there to. "you guys wanna come and hang out at James'?"

"yeah just give me 10 minutes" I said siting up on the bed and stretching

"YES!!" Ben shouted excitedly.

I went back into my room and got changed into my black shorts and floral crop top and my red vans. My hair was naturally wavy and I hated it but I couldn't be bothered straitening it. I walked down stairs and Skip was texting and Ben was watching tv.

"shotgun" I shouted sprinting for the front door

Ben leapt onto my back and wrapped his arms around my neck

"come on rug rats" skip said pushing us both over so we fell to the ground.

We got to James house after about 15 minutes. We walked in the front door and were greeted by 4 sleep deprived faces, they had all slept at James' the night before. Beau and James were speaking into Beau's phone that he was holding out infront of there faces

"oh look speak of the devils now, this is Skip, Amanda and Ben." Beau said facing the phone towards us.

"what are you doing?" Ben asked siting next to James and making sure he was in the shot.

"keek or something I think it's called" Beau said making retarded faces to the phone. I sat on the other couch next to Jai

"hey buddy" I said punching his arm

He smiled cutely at me and then started rubbing his eyes

"late night ayy?" I said laughing at his facial reactions

"you have no idea" he said laughing and shaking his head.

We all sat around for a while and we started watching The inbetweeners movie. Luke was siting on the other side of me on the couch. He was looking at his laptop screen. He gently nudged me in the arm and turned his laptop screen around so I could see it and pointed to a sticky note on his desktop he had obviously just written

'you as bored as I am?'

I took the laptop off his lap and started typing a reply

'wanna go for a walk?'

He smiled as he red the note and then nodded his head. We both stood up and walked out the front door, no one asked where we were going they all must of been really interested in the movie, to be honest so was I, I loved that movie but I would rather spend time with Luke.

"so what time did you guys get to sleep last night?" I said after Luke's third yawn since we had started walking

"well it's 12:00pm now so about 7 hours ago" he said laughing.

"so you and Jai huh?" Luke said after a while breaking the silence

"what about us?" I asked confused

"are you guys like a thing or.."

"um no, were just friends" I said suprised by his question

"oh.. Really" he said with a slight smile on his face

"what made you think that?" I asked laughing at his adorably cute smile.

"just thought he was the type of guy you went for" he said shrugging his shoulders

"really? And what other things did you assume about me?" I said smiling and walking backwards so I was facing him.

"I don't know" he said nervously "what did you assume about me?" he asked raising his eyebrows


"yep" he said shaking his head

"well I guess I assumed you were were kind of a dork" I said honestly

"ouch!" he said holding his hand over his heart "and what do you think now?"

"your a cute dork" I said grabing his hand

He looked shocked but then lossened up a little and held my hand back. He's so cute

Falling- Janoskians fanficWhere stories live. Discover now