Happily - Chapter 23

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Maddy's POV

Harry's taking me on a date ! I'm so excited, I kind of asked him but I don't care ! I'm ready and waiting now. There's only one bad thing, I got a new roommate and she's so rude, well sometimes to certain people. Not really me but at first she was until I kind of made friends with her. April is her name, but I don't know what she's taking here, she doesn't talk much of that to me.

I hear a knock at the door, it must be Harry but before I can answer it April is opening the door. My bed is kind of behind the door and that's where I'm sitting, so harry can't see me.

"What do you want ?" April asks him, damn why is she like that ?

"Uhh, is Maddy here ?" He asks, nicely. At that I walk over to the door.

"Hey" I say "so you ready ?" I ask him, seeing that I asked him out.

"Yeah, I'm ready" harry replies, April rolls her eyes and walks back into the room and flops down on her bed. I start to walk out the door.

"I'll be back later" I say to April and I close the door and turn around to harry. He hugged me tight and kissed me, but only on the cheek again. When will he realise that it's okay to kiss my properly.




"So, are you brave enough ?" He asks me with a slight smirk on his face pointing upwards into the distance. I take a look, it's a roller coaster. But it's really big.

"Uhm yes ?" I replied not sure at all. I can't do this ! Is he crazy ?

"That sounded like more of a question than an answer" he said questioning my answer.

"Well I don't know. It's just so big" I say staring at it. The sun is setting now.

"Well come on then ! If your not saying no or yes, I'll make the choice for you" he said, I give him a dirty look.

"Alright then. God what are you doing to me" I say to him as he drags towards the giant thing. The lines not to long so I don't have to much time to re think.




"Oh my god. No. I wanna get off" I say as the man straps us into the back carriage of the roller coaster. "Excuse m-" I'm cut off by the jolting start of he roller coaster, we start making our way up the track slowly.

"Well you can't get off now" harry says laughing at me a little bit. "Just enjoy the ride" he says putting his arms up in the air, while mine are holding on to the bars for dear life.

"How the hell can I ?" I almost yell at him, some people turn around and look at me being so hysterical. We're now almost at the top of the hill on the roller coaster.

"It'll be okay babe" harry says and suddenly we are falling. Down the other side of the hill, I'm screaming at the top of my lungs. The wind making my hair go flying, my arms gripping the bars tighter every time we go faster. Harry's screaming also which makes me feel not as embarrassed I guess. The ride finally slows and comes to a stop. Wow. That was really fun ?

"You okay ?" Harry asks laughing at my facial expressions, I am staring into space with my mouth in an 'O' shape.

"Yeah" I say giggling as the guy comes and opens the safety bars and we climb out of the carriage.

We started walking away and harry wrapped his arm around my shoulders. He makes me so happy. I just want to jump into his arms, wrap my legs around his torso and kiss him ! I totally would but there's only one thing stopping me. That's the fact that if harry wanted to I'm sure he would have done it already. So I'll wait for him to do it first.




The rest of the night flys by and I'm standing outside the girls dorm block with Harry.

"Tonight's been really fun" I say "thank you for taking me out" I finish waiting for him to say something.

"Yeah it was, I'm glad we went on our date tonight" he replied. He's so sweet I'm dying. I'm literally about to kiss him but I have to resist.

"I'm going to miss you so much on the weekend" I tell him his arms are now wrapped around my waist and mine around his neck as if we were slow dancing. "It's only like a day but I just really li-"

"Here" he cuts me off and places a picture in my hand. It's a picture of Harry kissing my cheek, we took it at the fair in a photo booth.

"You can keep me inside the pocket of your ripped jeans" he said smiling at me. I'm about to tear up he's so sentimental.

"Harry, don't you want it ?" I ask him now confused.

"I've got one of my own" he says making me smile. "I'll be with you then, so you'll never be lonely"

if he doesn't kiss me I'll kill him !

"Thanks, your so sweet harry" I tell him and he leans in and kisses me. No, not on the cheek. He finally did it ! Sparks fly in my stomach, and of course I kiss back.

It only lasts a few seconds until he pulls his head away and he stares into my eyes smiling. I can't take it, I pull his head back and our lips are once again attached. This feeling is something I've never had before, and I have missed a few guys before but never like this. I really want to be with harry forever, that sounds so cheesy but I feel like he's the one. I just hope to god he feels the same. I can't take anymore heartbreak. Not anytime soon at least. But unfortunately drama follows me everywhere, it never left my side in high school.

Our kiss ends and he smiles at me, I smile back. I feel my cheeks warm with colour.

"Maddy. I really like you a lot" he says "I just hope you feel the same" he starts all nervous.

"I do !" I almost yell "I like you so much. I've never felt sparks like that before harry" I say to him and he looks so amazed.

"Promise me something ?" He asks

"What ?" I say sweetly

"Don't leave me, not this year at least" he says

"Oh believe me, I'm not going anywhere" I reply, pecks my lips and turns and walks away leaving me standing there.

The memories made tonight will always stay with me. I'll keep him in my back pocket forever.


Awe how sweet is harry ?? Anyways I hid a few sing lyrics in that chapter, comment if you know what they are !!

Keep voting, commenting and sharing guys !!!

710 reads that's so crazy !!

Love you all so much

Thanks x

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