Happily - chapter 26

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An : go read my other story 'the X factor diaries' please ?
Niall's POV
I've just woken from pure darkness to an unfamiliar room with that hospital smell. My whole body aches, my left arm especially. I realise it's in a cast. What happened ?
"Where am I ?" I whisper to myself
"In hospital" a smiling lady appears from behind my bed. That explains the hospital smell.
"I'm your nurse, Kate. Press this if you need anything" she says pointing to a button on the side of my bed and she leaves.
Why am I in hospital ? I can't remember anything from yesterday, it's a complete blur. I close my eyes again as I'm having a hard time keeping them open, I'm exhausted. I slowly start falling asleep.
"Be quiet, he seems to be sleeping again" I hear the nurses voice once again along with lots of footsteps.
"Okay, thank you" It's a familiar voice that I just can't recognise.
"Look at him. So hurt" another voice I know but can't identify.
"Should I call beth ?" A girl speaks, but which one ?
"Not yet, she'll be comforting Maddy" the first voice speaks up again.
"Liam, I'm worried about him" the girl speaks. Liam ! That's who the first voice was, I know Liam he's my friend. The first voice must have been Sarah them.
"We all are" Liam continues "one minute he's fine, the next he's almost dead lying in the road helplessly" he finishes with a sigh. I would tell them I'm actually awake but I knew they won't tell me all the information so I want to listen.
"They said there was a great chance of him not walking again" a new voice says, along with footsteps of a few people entering the room.
"50 50 chance they said" the voice speaks again.
"Let's hope it's the right 50 he ends up with" Liam speaks.
Silence falls for a few minutes, so I decide to wake up for them. I yawn and prop myself up slowly rubbing my eyes, making myself look sleepy.
"What happ-" I stop when I open my eyes and realise they've all left.
Once again I'm in my own company. I look out the window. Why couldn't I hear Beth's voice ? Where is she ? I need her with me.
"Hey your awake" Sarah walks in and sits in a seat next to the bed.
"Yeah" I say.
"How you feeling ?" She looks into my eyes ands asks me.
"Lost" I reply sighing. "What's going on?" I ask bringing my hands to my head, resting them on either side.
"Well don't you remember ?" She says simply.
"No ! I can't even remember half of your names. I can barely remember my own let alone what happened to me" I say she looks hit with concern.
"Really ? Nothing at all ?" She asks. I loose my patience.
"No ! Okay, just tell me what happened !" I start to raise my voice, I'm getting really lost and stressed, I feel like I'm not me,
"Shhh Niall it's okay I'm telling you now, calm down" she rubs my back calming me down.
"Yesterday, you were walking across the road, and a car came racing down the street. Unfortunately he didn't see you and you got hit" she says slowly. "Very badly" she adds on the end.
"Huh ?" I question.
"I know, it's a bit to take in. You've broke your arm and got some cuts and bruises" she says and I nod wincing in pain as she touches my arm slightly.
"The doctor said you are lucky to alive right now" she tells me. Wow.
Liam joins us in the room along with other faces I know but not the names. There's six guys and two girls with him. But not beth.
"Where's beth ?" I ask them all looking around like a lost puppy. I certainly feel like one.
"She's not here. She's away for the weekend remember ?" Liam states.
"No Liam ! I remember hardly anything at all, half the people in this room I don't know their names, I can't remember" I feel so upset and just lost and frustrated.
"It's okay, take it easy Niall. Breathe" Sarah comforts me, at the moment she's the only one who understands.
Everyone looks a little taken back by my out burst, because I guess it isn't like me.
"Liam, can I talk to you outside ?" Sarah says and he nods and they leave. Liam is probably the one handling all the paperwork as he's the most responsible.
"Niall mate, what's up your usually so care free" a guy talks to me, black hair with a blonde girl clinging to his arm.
"Am I ?" I ask him, he looks confused.
"Yeah" he says.
"Who are you guys ?" I ask and them all look shocked. They are silent.
"I need to know !" I plead and they all look worried.
"I'm Zayn" the black haired guy speaks up. Zayn, sounds familiar.
"This is Perrie" he gestures to the blonde he's with. I know her I think.
"I'm harry, That's Ashton, This is Luke, Calum, Michael, That's louis and Eleanor over there" harry introduces me to everyone again.
"Okay I think I remember you all" they all let out sighs of relief.
"But Beth. Where is she ?" I ask again.
"She's not here Niall" harry says slowly.
"But I need her ! I need to see her" I exclaim.
"I know but she's far away right now Niall" harry continues to calm me but it doesn't work.
"But I need to feel her arms around me, I need her to know how much I love her, how much I need her right now !" I demand they all look worried.
"Please harry do something" I beg him from my hospital bed, just a helpless little boy.
"Okay Niall, it's okay mate" he says "I'll call her right now" he says walking out of he room.

Hopefully she comes soon. I need to hear her voice and see her face because when I'm lost, she's the lost, she's the light that leads me out of the darkness.

So Niall's gone a bit crazy ...... Love crazy !!
Yeah that last sentence is cheesy af but whatever .
Oh yeah and 1000 reads what even ??!!! Thank you guys so much, all of the sudden people just read it like crazy and I'm so happy !!!
Also this is an early update !! Yay !
But this means there will be no update on Sunday unless I get time to write more :)
But for you new people, I usually update in Sunday's (Australian time)
Love you all so much !!
And guess what ??...... It's my 14 birthday on album release Monday !! So excited !!
Anyways keep commenting, voting and reading and sharing !! Your doing amazingly at it now !!
Thanks x

HappilyNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ