Happily - chapter 27

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Beth's POV
Oh. My. God.
This is worse than my worse nightmare. I hope he's surviving. I feel like breaking down but I can't, not while I'm with Maddy alone. One of us has to be mentally stable for the drive. But once I'm with him, I'll let go, I won't be able to help it.
Maddy is crying in the seat next to me. She's so overwhelmed with everything, I feel for her I really do.
"Almost there" I manage to say and she nods.
We would have been there already but how much traffic does there really need to be ?
Much less is the answer ! I would speed but I don't want to end up in hospital next to him.
The turn off to our part of California is coming up. I turn onto it. There's a few hospitals so I don't know which one to go to.
"Maddy can you just text harry and ask him which hospital they're at ?" I ask her and she nods, I pass her my phone. She starts texting and sends it. She instantly gets a reply.
"The royal and general hospital" she says. Thank god I'm close to that one right now.
"Niall Horan" I tell a nurse "I'm looking for Niall Horan" I say panicked with a teary Maddy by my side.
"Are you family ?" She asks me calmly.
"Yes" I say confidently, she wouldn't let me see him if I said no, it's happened before.
"He's in room 337" she says I nod and we move off to find him.

We've been walking for a few minutes. Where the hell is room 337 ? Just as I'm about to go up a level I spot Harry, walking in our direction with coffee In his hands.
"Harry !" I say loudly and get dirty looks from people, but whatever.
"Beth, your finally here. Come with me" he says and we walk quickly to room 337.

We finally make it and harry stops me before I walk into the room.
"Beth. Just be careful okay. He's changed a bit since yesterday" harry tells me. What ?
"What do you mean ?" I ask him confused
"Well he got really mad and stressed out when we asked him if he remembered things, he scared me a bit but don't look scared, there's nothing worse than your own girlfriend being scared of you" Harry tells me I nod and we walk in.

"Beth!" Sarah runs over to me and hugs me
"Shhh ! He's sleeping finally" Liam says quietly.
I walk over and sit in an empty chair right next to the hospital bed where a very fragile looking Niall sleeps. A cast on his left arm signalling a bone break. I lean closer to him and run my hand through his hair which is lying in his forehead unlike usual. He looks so cute, so cuddly and sleepy like this. I can feel a tear rolling down my cheek.
"We'll give you some time alone" Liam says
"Thanks" I reply and they all forward out of the room.

I can hear them whispering outside the room, but I don't bother to eves drop, I need to focus on Niall, so hurt and so weak lying in the hospital bed sitting in front of me.

I knew he's alive and going to live, but something about seeing him like this makes me feel so thankful to have had him in my life for a while, and hopefully forever. Niall starts tossing and turning slightly. I stroke his hair.
"I love you so much" I whisper into his ear and I kiss him lightly on the lips.
He's awake.
So another update because it's a very special day !!

FOUR is out omg it's perfect aye ?
And it's my birthday today !! So I wanted to give you guys something.
Thanks for 1.12k reads omg !! Love you so much
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Also read my other book thanks lovelies x
Follow me on Instagram @_1DFULL_
Thanks x

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