Part two: A new home and a new family one with my brother

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You still held onto Issa still crying when you stopped he looked at you and asked the question you knew little of

(Issa) hay um ca you tell me what had happened to your father and mother If you want

(Y/n) A WOMAN CAME IN WHEN THE POWER WAS OUT AND ATTACKED MY MOTHER AND FATHER ALL I SAW WAS HER WINGS a beautiful set of wings shouldn't belong to her she hurt my mother and father I won't forgive her.

Issa taken back by this you a sweet innocent boy yelling and swearing vengeance on this woman in any other situation he would of just let it be but he made a promise to your dad that he was going to keep.

(Issa) hay listen um y/n I don't want you to take this the wrong way but I think you should just let this go she probably died in that fire along...

(Y/n) NO!! She took them away from me I won't....

(Issa) STOP this isn't you what happened to you you where this nice happy boy what would your mom say about your actions

You stop and think back to the times of being with your mom and father having fun and flying toy planes in the park it was nice this memory cause you to cry and hug Issa sobbing and barely managing to to apologize.

(Time skip)

After a week the hospital released you and Issas family agreed to adopt you into his family you where happy at the thought but you felt afraid but still you went and lived with them.

(Another time skip)

Another week past and you where enrolled in Kuho academy and it was your first day at this new school it was a large campus and you stuck to Issa like a magnet but Issa didn't mind after all he made a promise to watch over you. You ran into two boys who where friends with Issa asking him who i was and if he wanted to spy on the track team taking a shower at first he was going to go but remember he was with you and just denied the invitation and gave you a tour. The tour consisted of the gym and the class rooms when he took you to the track when a girl walked up to him.

(...) umm are you Issa kyuohou

(Issa) yeah who's asking

(...) I'm Yuma and I was wandering if you wanted to go out with me

Issa was happy that a girl asked him out but you didn't know this and spoke up to ask what going out means

(Y/n) u-umm Issa what does that mean

(Issa) what does what mean

(Y/n) go out

(Yuma) oh who's this little sweetie

(Issa) this little guy is my brother y/n and he just transferred to this school 

(Yuma) aww he's so cute well shall we go on a date Issa

(Issa) wait right now schools...

The bell rings and students start to rush out the doors to leave and the track team was starting to take to field

(Yuma) what about school

(Issa) oh never mind oh mind if y/n tags along his kinda new to area and I was hoping to take him home after school but you know you asked me out

Yuma looked irritated but then back to happy and agreed it was a fun and long date half way through you feel asleep and Issa was carrying you on his back when you guys got to the park water fountain when Yuma asked this

(Yuma) that was fun but I got to ask *she turns around* do you love me

(Issa) of course I love

The boy Who knew nothing (high school dxd story) Where stories live. Discover now