Part six: training is too much for him

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It is morning and the day just started issei is getting ready for school y/n is down stairs telling there mother about the fun he and issei had the building and hanging up of posters it was fun as y/n told the story his mother stopped him

Miss hyuudo: hay your school sent a letter home and you are to stay home for a week and recover and that they will send home the missing school work

Y/ns smile dropped he looked upset but then issei came down

Issei: why the long face y/n

Y/n: the school is gonna keep me home for the week and I can't go to school

Issei: that's terrible but remember this is for the best you still need to heal but when I get home we can fly that new plane I got you ok buddy

Y/n smiled

Y/n: ok and if you can at the store can you get me that pudding in the blue container

Issei: yeah sure well I'm off to school bye mom see yeah dad

(Time skip)

Issei was about to head home when kiba stopped him

Kiba: the president wants a word issei

In the occult room Rais, Akeno, and Koneko, where sitting in the room angry when kiba and issei walked in

Rias: issei why haven't you been to any club meetings I know y/n is important but still you have a duty to follow and as my servant

Akeno: and that's not all you missed an important meeting today

Koneko: where's y/n

Issei: he's home healing from a fight he got in And I'm sorry rias but I have to make sure y/n is ok I'm sorry

Rias just looked at issei and sighed

Rias: look I know y/n means a lot to you but still you need to train we are at war

Akeno: well a rating game to be clear

Koneko: it's where servants fight each other to settle a score

Issei didn't know what to say he was worried about fighting but understood that he had a duty as a servant

Issei: when will we start y/n is expecting me home and I have to pick up a treat for him

Rias: we start tomorrow and make sure your free don't want you to skip out on anything

With that being said issei left to the store near there house he picked up a few pudding cups when Kuma stopped him

Issei: oh hay it's you

Kuma: oh hi dear me and Ashia where picking up a few things for y/n his birthday is coming up correct

Issei was concerned about the fact that she knew this

Issei: h-how did you know

Kuma: well you see I know a lot of stuff and y/n is one of my top priorities

Ashia came around the corner

Ashia: here you go lady Kuma oh hi issei

Issei: hay Ashia well I better get going I'm gonna be late

Issei left home all while Kuma watched him

Kuma: well I hope he takes good care y/n he will need that boy later in his life but come Ashia we need to pick out a wedding outfit for you

Ashia: o-oh ok lady Kuma

Kuma: oh please just call me Kuma

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