Bonus part

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(In the past)

Kelly was walking to a store along with Aden and George they usual walk this path late in the day and George really wanted to go today at the time he could talk and he saw this really cool looking mask it was of an oni and it was really cool George had his eye on it for awhile and when he saved up enough money he went after it but today wasn't his day a certaint woman was in the market her name was Kuma she had her eye on a special object that could curse anyone that put it on this curse striped them of there humanity and turned them into a mindless monster

Kuma: how much for this mask

Shopkeeper: seven dollars and I'll throw in this stuff animal

Kuma: really why so the price so low and why the teddy bear

Shopkeeper: well you see this kid wanted the mask so I put the price as high as I can so he would let it go but he kept coming back so made every excuse to keep him from having it made the price really high then he left what's the time

Kuma: it's 4:30 why do you ask

Shopkeeper: well he comes around this time along with his sister and brother please just take it and don't come back with it

Kuma: why so eager to give it away now

Shopkeeper: to protect him from it

Just then George came in with a big grin along with his sister and brother

George: I came just as I said.....where's the mask

Shopkeeper: sorry but this fine lady just brought it but I do have this really nice fox for half the price

Kelly: he wanted the oni mask you promised him he even went out of his way and worked for the money

Aden: wait sister we can maybe ask this woman if she can part ways with it

Kelly: fine

George: wait I wanna see this fox mask

Kelly: no we are getting you the oni mask and thats final

Kuma: for a kid your bossy

Aden: don't call her that she hates that word

Kelly: what did she call me

They started to argue but George wasn't interested he looked back at the shop keep

George: can I see the fox mask

Shopkeeper: sure give me a minute

He went underneath his counter and brought up a mask it looked really cool

George: wow it's so cool how much

Shopkeeper: for you fifteen dollars

George: wow so cheap I'll take it

Shopkeeper: alright here you go

After the transaction George put on the mask but he felt someone rip it off it was his sister Kelly

Kelly: what did I say no you can't have this one

She threw it on the ground and stepped on it George just looked at it with tears in his eyes picked up the pieces and ran out of the shop Kelly tried to run to get him but Aden stopped her

Kelly: what are you doing brother

Aden: stop you hurt him

Kelly: all I did was take that stupid mask off him

Aden: you stomped on it

Kelly just looked away she never did like admitting she did anything wrong

The boy Who knew nothing (high school dxd story) Where stories live. Discover now