r e t u r n

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Trudging back home, I grunted in exhaustion. I had just returned from the Final Selection and it was time for me to go back home, uniform in hand. And it wasn't any better with Amaterasu's house being on a mountain! I just wanted to sip some warm milk tea and relax for a while, not scale a whole mountain to reach my destination! There was the occasional passerby and I had to hide from their confusing stares while walking at a slow pace. It seemed as though it was going to take hours for me to get back home but when I arrived at the foot of the mountain, a figure with long, wavy black hair and pale skin was running down. I continued walking, not caring about the frantic person and only questioning what had made them so clumsy. Continuing on my trek, I was shoved backward by the figure and landed on my back, groaning in pain. Looking up, I was about to question the person mentioned when I felt droplets of water on my cheeks. Looking up, I saw the same black hair and the pale skin and realized that it was Amaterasu all along. Surprised at the tears spilling from her eyes, I wiped them and asked her the most reoccurring question.

"Why are you crying, Ama-chan?"

She opened her eyes and hugged me tightly. "I was so afraid you would die in the Final Selection. I'm so glad you came back okay.

I'm so glad."

Back home

I changed my clothing into a typical kimono and sat down, smiling down at the food present. It had been so long since I had a good meal and I was starving, so I was grateful that Amaterasu cooked beforehand.

"Thank you for the food!" I smiled happily and dug in, melting at the flavor that was exploding in my mouth. "AMA-chan! It's so good!"

"I'm glad it's to your liking, Chiharu," Amaterasu said as she sat across from me holding a book, smiling at me eating in content. "I tried to do something different and even did your favorite."

"Thank you so much! This has to be the best food I've had."

She giggled and went back to reading peacefully. The room was filled with a calm silence, with the occasional page flip and my chewing. I finally had finished and set my chopsticks down on top of the bowl.

"Wah!! I'm so full! I feel like I could fly right now!" I giggled, grabbed the bowl, and got up to set it into the sink. I set all of the side dishes away and went into the kitchen, brewing some tea for the both of us. I grabbed two cups and poured tea into them, grabbed the two teacups and the teapot, set it onto a tray, and went into the dining room again. Putting the tray down and handing Amaterasu her teacup, I sat back down and drank mine leisurely. I looked up at Amaterasu and noticed her uneasy expression and anxious movements of constantly biting her nails. I placed the teacup down and stared at her.

"Are you okay, Ama-chan?" I interlaced my hands together and rested them on the table, like a therapist.

She looked up shocked and looked back at her book bashfully, trying to hide her surprise. 

"I-I don't know what you mean..."

I sighed, put my chin on my hand and said, "Come on, Ama-chan. You know I know you better than that. What's wrong?"

Amaterasu stared at her book for a while before arranging it onto the table and positioned herself to stare at me. She looked down at her hands before sighing and looking out the window.

"I have something you need to do," she started off and looked back at me worriedly. "But you don't have to do it, I mean, it's pretty dangerous in itself so-"

"It's fine if it's dangerous. I survived the Final Selection too you know," I smiled widely at her. "You can tell me." 

She stared at me uncertainly. Grasping onto my hand, she started speaking again.

unexpected /. kimetsu no yaiba [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now