The dream

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I don't own mha
I don't own The image

Im finally back baby. hello all reading this I finally decided to start writing this again I've been feeling very lazy and kept procrastinating but I kept having ideas for the story and really didn't want them to be forgotten and go to waste. Also big thank you to everyone forever half a Thousand reads I love all the support. I can't think of anything else to say so with no further ado let's get the story going.

It was seven in the morning and the sun was coming up. Izuku loved this time of day, he would always refer to it as prime jogging hours to Shoto. The sky was barely lit and the birds were singing but not in the annoying way but more so peaceful. There was barely anyone out aside from the occasional car of someone going to work early and mail man running his routes.

His mom would think him crazy for waking up so early to exhaust himself while running before school only to do so in a more intense manner later on. She never understood that because she managed to keep a good figure with the bare minimal exercise necessary.

Izuku in the other hand loved to push himself to the maximum, to his mothers displeasure. He never felt more alive and happy then when he felt like he couldn't go on an longer crazily enough. Sometimes all might would have to stop and reprimanded him for pushing himself to hard.

On this particular day he really felt like he needed time to think about everything that took place only a couple of hours ago.

Flash Back

Izuku sat at the kitchen table extremely tired because he was woken up by his mom and da- all might not his dad the number one hero he reminded himself. The both of them looked at izuku expectantly giving them stares akin to one you'd give to some one who grew two heads then shot the other head 'I wonder if that would be considered a half suicide.' Izuku thought to himself getting distracted by his thought and forgetting that his mom and mentor were waiting for him to tell them what was going on.

(Readers know that the author is sorry if that suicide joke offended anyone but in his defense in my hero academia one character told another to kill himself and everyone laughed that off sooo...)

"Well izuku, are you going to speak about what me and yagi just saw while you were asleep or are you keeping that secret." Inko asked her only child. She was both worried and sad because izuku never kept any secrets from her ever or so she thought. One bit of information he never shared with her was his social life in school. As far as she knew he didn't have any friends at school but he did come home smelling like smoke sometimes with ash marks. 'Oh no!, my sweet innocent baby boy is smoking cigarettes!' The mind truly can think outlandish things.

"I don't know what you're talking about mom." Izuku nervously answered her. And to be fair he didn't, he highly doubted that they saw what he saw in his dream so he really didn't know what they were referring to." Inko thought he was still keeping a secret since she still wasn't convinced he wasn't smoking cigarettes after school. But toshinori saw the confusion within his students eyes and he was sure that his pupil wasn't lying. "Young midoriya while you were sleeping your new quirk was activated and your eyes began to glow. To add to it energy was running around your body. Is this the first time this has happened?"

The greenette was shocked about what he was hearing. "I did transform before I fell asleep but I thought it would have turned off after I fell asleep." Inko snapped out of her panic from the ludicrous thought that her son was smoking and asked "why would you try to go to sleep with your quirk activated.

Izuku tapped his foot nervously under the dining room table causing Inko to recognize this particular action. "Izu you know you can tell us anything."

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