This is not a new chapter

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Hello to everyone that have read and liked this story. Im writing to inform you all that this story is getting rewritten. The main reason why is because it was sloppy. While I loved the concept and the story itself As a FanFiction writer I was getting very frustrated with it. Because it's my first ever fanfic I ever wrote I kinda rushed the earlier chapters and looking back on them now I see many grammar issues as well as spelling errors. But my biggest issue is that I constantly get new and great ideas for the story, so I begin to write those ideas, But when I look at the earlier chapters I worry that people won't be able to read and enjoy the new updates because of how poorly written the earlier chapter were.

You can trust me when I say I'm not giving up on this story at all; quite the opposite actually. I get new and great ideas almost every day for this story so in order to execute it properly I need to stop being lazy and start over properly. The rewrite will basically follow the same story as this one here but it will have better character interactions as well as better writing (I hope).

I also wanna make sure to be more consistent with updates and not just procrastinate. I really want to write other stories as well for other series like
fairytale and high school dxd because I feel like I have amazing ideas for those stories, but the ideas won't matter if I can't use proper grammar and writing skills to keep readers interested.

So finally to all those who just started to become interested in this story please wait for the newly rewritten version. Also I want to make clear now the direction I'm heading in terms of romance for the next story. Instead of just being one pairing like tododeku it's actually gonna be a sorta dekubowl thing we're it's multiple characters (male and female) competing for our little cinnamon roles affection. I completely understand if that's something your not interested in but for those who are I will work as quickly as possible to provide you with the rewrite. Any-who I just wanted to tell you guys my goals for this story.

Also I'm going to branch out to all fanfiction sites including FanFiction.Net and ao3 so I'll put my usernames for those accounts just in case you feel more comfortable reading from those mediums.

Ao3- lazyestpotato!

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