Chapter 2

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This is it, the last hour's of summer break. I can't wait to go back to school. It's my senior year after all- which means I'll finally graduate! Maybe then I'll finally be acknowledged. Yeah, people can't ignore me anymore if I'm an adult- right?

Maybe I'll get lucky and have some classes with Kiba or Choji? Maybe even Shikamaru! We've all been friends since grade school. They were the only ones who never seemed to shun me or whisper in hushed murmurs, shooting dirty glances at me as I passes in the halls of school or streets of the village. Well, Iruka was never like that to me either- he had always been like a father to me in all honesty.

I wonder if any of them have found their significant other yet; I know Shikamaru had last year- a girl from a neighboring village named Temari. She is pretty fucking terrifying at times and I swear she made me piss myself once. Her younger brothers are pretty chill though. One is a meme and the other an edgy little fuck.

I wonder how her youngest brother, Gaara, is doing? The guy could really use some love in his life. Honestly, he is probably the most edgy little fucker I've ever met; always talking about how is a monster or some shit. Angsty, right?

"Gaah!" I was snapped from my thoughts rather rudely by the obnoxious beeping of my microwave.

Oh hell yeah, that means my ramen is done. A wide grin tugs the corner's of my lips up as I remove the instant ramen from the microwave. Now the most annoying part of my life begins: waiting. It's ridiculous! They call it instant ramen, yet you have to wait 3 whole minutes just to eat the damn thing after its already been cooked! What kind of fuckery is that?! Oh well, I suppose it can't exactly be helped, so I just settle for intently staring at the clock on the stove, watching as the minutes tick by.

Finally it's time and I peel back the lid, letting the steam waft out of the foam cup. God, it smells sooo good; I'm practically drooling. I waist no time in letting the noodles cool. Instead I opt for fucking inhaling that shit like a goddamn vacuum cleaner.

Now that my stomach is full, I suppose I can sleep. I glance at the time and now that I'm not counting down the minutes, my brain actually registers what I'm reading. 11:37pm. Fuck. I have to be up at 6:00am. Guys like me fucking love sleep; waking up tomorrow is going to be hell. There is no way 5 hours and like 20 minutes of sleep will be enough for my lazy ass.

I toss my now empty styrofoam cup in the trash, my fork in the sink, before trudging up the steps. I plop down onto my bed and lay sprawled out like some starfish. As soon as my eye shut I'm out cold.

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