Chapter 5

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I glance at the male, my eyes wide with astonishment. There a bright flash of white, blinding light, and I have to squint as my eyes accustom to the change, colour flooding my vision. No. I should be overjoyed, but I'm not. I'm disgusted. A guy? My soulmate? Something has to be wrong. I'm straight. I don't like guys. There has to be some mistake here- but there is no mistake, and a part of me knows it.

I turn quickly, looking away as the man approaches. "Go away!" I scream over and over in my head. Of course, it doesn't work. That damn bastard sits next to me and immediately, I feel a wave of nausea wash over me. I hope he'll just leave me be, as unlikely as it is.

"Hey," He says in a soft voice, offering me a lopsided grin that makes my chest feel light and I hate myself for that.

"Hey," I grunt back.

Silence ensues, but that damn dobe is quick to break it; "So, uh, what's your name," He asks.

"Sasuke," I reply bluntly.

He gives a small nod and flashes that idiotic, cute, smile at me again. "So, Sasuke, I guess you and I are soulmates or something," He says with a small chuckle as if it were all some joke. I wish it were.

I pale hearing those words, feeling the bile slowly rise, burning in the back of my throat at the mere thought of being with another male. Quickly, I shoot up from my chair, nearly knocking the thing over as I do so. "I need to use the restroom," I announce and, without even awaiting a reply from the teacher, hurry out of the room and down the hall.

I hastily head into the restroom, flinging open the door to the first stall I see and lock the door before kneeling over the toilet and puking my guts out. I feel utterly disgusted. Gay? Me? No. I like women. It's not that I hate homosexuals or anything, my nii-san is one, but I personally am revolted at the thought of being intimate with someone of the same sex. I don't want involved on that, I want no part of it. It was vile and simply unnatural. I'd lusted after women for years, even fucked a few. I could never do that with a man. There just had to be some mistake. There HAD to be.

After spending some time collecting myself, I leave the stall. Of course before exiting the restroom I rinse my mouth with water from the tap and place a stick of gum in my mouth before heading back to that dreaded room. I slowly trudge back to my seat, sitting down and staring blankly out the window.

"The hell was all that about?" Came that annoying voice from beside me.

I turn, jabbing a finger into the male's chest harshly, "Let's get one thing clear: we are not soulmates," I declare.

This buffoon looks at me with wide eyes filled with hurt, and for a second, I feel guilty for what I had done. No. I had no reason to feel guilty. I wasn't into men and that was that.

"But I-" Naruto started, but I quickly cute him off.

"No 'buts'. You stay away from me. Don't talk to me, don't sit by me, don't even look at me. Do you understand?" I hiss out.

The look on that dobe's face is that of a puppy who'd been kicked one too many times, but he forces a nod I just barley catch a glimpse of as I turn to look away. The sight has hit me like a punch to the gut and I hate how much emotional conflict this guy is eliciting within me. I won't let myself feel sympathy for this faggot.

Before any of us can utter another word, the bell rings and I'm up, out of the room in a flash. Luckily, I'm able to avoid that dumbass for the rest of the day. My classes go by in a blur and before I know it, school's out for the day and I'm in Itachi's car on my way home.

My mind is occupied with the vibrant colours I'm seeing outside the window. Nii-san was right; it is beautiful. Once we're home, I get out of the car, tilting my head up to the sky. So that was my mum's favourite colour. That was blue. I decide it's my favourite colour too.

"I've seen this colour somewhere today," I think to myself.

And I have.

It's the colour of his eyes.

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