Chapter 2.5

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June carefully arranged Maria's hair covering adding extra pins in case the battle was brought to them again.

Gwen reported seeing Edgar and most of the army ride out before dawn. The three women were waiting anxiously at the windows of Maria's rooms, knowing that any minute Draco and their army would be at the gates.

Maria was trying to contain her excitement. She knew without a doubt that Draco would rescue her. He always came back.

If he didn't, tomorrow she would have to agree to marry the murderer. Even if ye hadn't killed her brother himself, he ordered his army to attack them. If only he'd picked another kingdom to invade. It was probably that beast Edgar who killed her brother. He was the sort of man who would enjoy killing.

She briefly wondered which one of them was really in charge. Edgar was more commanding to be sure. But Ralse had a quiet presence about him.

Either way, she was impatient to be rid of them. Draco would return. They would marry then rule together as King and Queen.

She was going to be Queen. The thought of actually ruling hadn't entered her mind before. Draco had never shown any interest in statecraft. He was a brilliant general, but maybe this was a spot where Maria could help him.

As Queen, she would have responsibilities, not just to Draco when he finally was her husband, but to her people too. What had Draco and Cecil said about the kingdom's finances? That there wasn't any money?

The murderer had said something similar. Maybe starting on that would help distract her from her anxiousness.

"Gwen," Maria interrupted her maid who was staring out into the distance. "Please retrieve all of the kingdoms ledgers from my grandfather's and great-grandfather's eras. When Draco returns, we will need to set the kingdom to rights."

"Yes, my lady," Gwen curtsied and left the room.

"June," Maria continued. "How are you holding up?"

The girl shuddered before speaking.

"I'm alright, my lady. Is there something I can do for you?"

"Would you please bring me us a light lunch, so we don't starve as we wait?"

June hesitated.

"Have any of the invaders harassed you?" Maria pressed.

"No, my lady. I will go at once." June rose to her task. Maria admired the girl working through her fear.

Once she was alone in her sitting room that boasted a new door, Maria sighed and moved to stand by the window until her maids returned.

Hearing the soft knock and the door open Maria turned around expectantly, only to find herself locked into Ralse's gaze.

Suppressing her instinct to look down, she forced herself to hold his gaze. Her limbs began to feel hot, and her jaw clenched as she returned his challenge. Ralse flashed surprise for an instant before slightly inclining his head to her, his smiling eyes never leaving hers.

"I brought you copies of everything I have studied since I started working through your family's ledgers." Ralse's sudden statement cause Maria to blink in surprise. "Your maid said you wanted to review the ledgers on the kingdom's past finances."

"Yes, thank you." Maria managed as Ralse set the stack of papers he was holding down onto her table. "I was unaware you were going through them."

"The Kingdom has some financial troubles," Ralse replied in a carefully subdued voice. "I cannot manage to understand why. This West Kingdom has almost always been prosperous. Occasionally a bad year, but never for decades. I'm starting on the ledgers from your father's reign after dinner."

Ralse paused, appearing to need a moment to consider something before continuing, "Will you have dinner with me tonight? It has been just Edgar and me for months now. I could use the company. Please, Maria?"

The familiarity made her gasp. No one but her family or Draco ever used her first name. But it was how he said it that gave her pause. It sounded like he wanted her to say yes. Like he would be genuinely happy if she accepted.

"Yes, that would be a pleasant change," she heard the words come out of her mouth before her mind registered her acceptance. There was no harm in accepting and invitation if Draco was going to storm the castle and rescue her anyway.

"Wonderful," Ralse looked relieved. "this will be the first meal in a long time that I have looked forward to. Thank you."

He kissed the back of her hand and made his exit. Maria smiled at how eager he had been. The nervous tension slid out of his face when she accepted.

She looked over the stack of papers on her table and sat down to learn what she could from them while waiting for her hero.

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