Chapter 5.7

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Maria turned expectantly at the crunch of gravel behind her. The snow was rapidly melting from the garden with the first plants pushing through the white cover.

Her smile faded and she pulled her cloak tighter around her. Where she'd hoped for Ralse, Edgar stood.

"Majesty," he acknowledged.

"General," she replied. Maria waited for Edgar to say whatever he came to say. To her surprise, he looked at the ground before clearing his throat.

The quiet backdrop of snow only amplified their silence.

Edgar's image always brought back the memories of her blood-soaked home. Ralse she could compartmentalize. Edgar was tied too closely in with the sacking of her kingdom.

"I require your input on a matter if you have a moment," he finally ventured.

Maria looked up sharply. He'd never asked for her opinion before. Prodded her to make kingdom decisions, yes, but not like this.

"How can I help?" Maria's curiosity overtook her hesitation.

"I need to know if I ought to get married so the kingdom has an heir."

Any color in Maria's cheeks from the biting winter wind drained at Edgar's words. Edgar continued at her silence.

"It's not ever been something I wished for, but my brother respects you and I respect him. The kingdom needs and heir and I am the natural backup plan. My wife would rarely see me. I have no interest in children."

Maria turned away toward the garden wall. She couldn't look at Edgar, who waited patiently for a response. After the silence stretched well into an uncomfortable zone, he continued.

"I will leave you with your thoughts. Please let the King know what your preferences are by the banquet for our half-sister's visit next month."

After the initial chill wore off Maria, she sank onto a stone bench. A heaviness hung in her heart. Her rage at Edgar for using her guilt against her kept the chill of the stone at bay. It was distasteful of Edgar to bring her pity for another nameless woman into the situation.

But he was right. Ralse was good to her. Her job of helping him rule was optional. Most women in her role had one job that she was not fulfilling.

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