[11:22 pm] // Johnny blurb

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[11:22 pm] Going for a late night walk to clear his head, Johnny steps out into the cold. It starts snowing after a while, snowflakes swirling around him, reminding him of you. Although it wasn't part of his plan, he allows the memories of you to fill his mind.

One of his favorite ones is your first date. It was simple, but sweet. You walked around town on a snowy day, just talking and having fun. Johnny had drawn a cheesy heart in the snow and you had added an arrow and your initials. It had been the confirmation you both needed, leading to you edging your hand towards his until he felt your fingertips brush against his skin. He laced his fingers with yours, feeling the heat of your palm against his own.

Johnny sighs heavily, wishing he could make more memories with you, but things had happened and as a result of that, the two of you are no longer together.

Shoving his hand in his pocket, he tries to warm himself up, just like you had done on that snowy day as you held his hand. But no matter how hard he tries, there's just no way he can replace your warmth.

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