Haunted house // Yuta imagine

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Word count: 2.5k 
Genres: Mix of fluff and angst (kinda?) // horror (fake)
Warnings: Some cursing, (fake) scares & horror
Pairing: reader x bestfriend!Yuta

Summary: When your shared love for Halloween brings you to a haunted house, will Yuta, the self-proclaimed manly man, be as tough as he claims to be or will you need to protect yourself?

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There were many reasons why you and Yuta were best friends, your shared love of Halloween being one. The fact that you hadn't visited a haunted house yet in all those years you'd had been friends, was actually astonishing. So when you heard the news about one happening in your town, you were quick to assemble a group of friends to go, including your best friend, of course.

"Alright, so here's what I'm thinking." Yuta spoke up as you all stood waiting in line. "We should split up and go in as duo's."

"What? Why?" One of your other friends, Taeyong, asked, his eyes widening at the suggestion. His lips slightly parted as he stared at his friend in bewilderment. You had talked him into tagging along, but he in no way was a fan of anything related to horror. The thought of going in with one other person instead of the entire group, wasn't going down well.

"It will obviously be scarier," Yuta explained excitedly. "Some of us will miss out on scares or other things if we all go in together. Six is a lot of people, the actors inside won't be able to surprise us as much as when we split up."

"I'm down," Ten said, holding onto his girlfriend's hand. "I'll obviously go with her. Sorry bro," he continued and shrugged at Taeyong.

"I want to go with my girl, Y/N." Yuta said and looked down at you with a twinkle in his eyes. "Cool?"

You briefly looked over at Taeil who was staring at the ground and seemed to casually kick at a small rock. You had a crush on him and the thought of him protecting you from the fake dangers lying ahead was definitely a nice one, but seemed to become less of a possibility with each second as he kept quiet.

Not wanting to let Yuta down either, being your best friend who loved Halloween as much as you did, you told him you'd pair up with him.

"Of course," you answered his question with a smile.

"So that leaves us," Taeil said, finally looking up, and wrapped his arm around Taeyong's shoulder.

"Great," Taeyong sighed, earning a laugh from his friends.

"We've been looking forward to this the longest, so we're going in first." Yuta claimed and grabbed you by your hand. "Let's get it!"

You handed their tickets to the man at the entrance and waved back at your friends.

Stepping into the darkness, you were glad to be with Yuta. Of all of your friends, he was considered to be the most manly and tough, a fact that somewhat calmed the nerves buzzing through you. Walking behind him, you made sure to stick close, not allowing a gap to form between the two of you.

A small corridor, created by a wooden wall that divided the main hall into two parts, led you towards the first room. Ripped fabric hung from the door frame, allowing muted beams of light to shine through from the other side. Not sure what to expect, Yuta maneuvered through the torn sheets as he scanned the room. His eyes darted from left to right and landed on a coffin in the middle of the room.

"I bet someone's in there," he whispered as he carefully took a step forward.

"In where?" You asked, peaking through the sheets.

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