
311 18 2

October 7

Today in art we needed to draw something that inspires ourselves. You immediately come to mind. I begin to draw you with a cute cartoon style. A person behind me told me it was nice. I began to blush. The person introduced himself. His name is Jeon Jungkook. I believe we're friends now since he came to sit with me at lunch instead of his friends.

You still have my pencil. I haven't said anything not wanting to ruin the chance of you using something special to me. I looked around the class today and saw that Jungkook was in the same history class. I say hi and begin to talk to him when you come into class upset and slam your bag onto your desk. I have to admit i was scared to sit next to you, but it's you so i knew i'd be okay.

I wonder why you were mad?

How many days? Double B fanfic. (Part 1)Where stories live. Discover now