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December 18

Today Ji Yeon and her friends beat me up in the bathroom. They came all of a sudden while i was washing my hands and started punch and kick me. I passed out and woke up in the nurse's office after an hour. After the nurse gave me a slip, i left and went to class. On the way there i saw you and Ji Yeon making out against the lockers. I shed a couple tears as i past by. I kind of thought you were starting to like me. I guess i thought wrong. I forgot you were still with her.

I told Sehun about it and he told me he was also gay. I was surprised at your sudden confession. You told me that you liked Baekhyun even if he bullied you. You said it that you know he has a nice side somewhere inside. I laughed. You said we need a plan to get our guys to like us back.

What do he have in mind?

How many days? Double B fanfic. (Part 1)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ