
257 15 1

December 4

I haven't told Sehun what i saw since it's probably something he doesn't want to bring up. I went to Baekhyun at lunch that day and told him to stay away from Sehun. He laughed in my face and then slapped me. :( It really hurt. I just want to protect Sehun like he's protected me so far. I guess i'm not strong to be someones knight in shining armor.

Recently Jiwon has been angry all the time. He never smiles anymore, not he even with his friends. I wonder what happened that we can never see his cute bunny smile again. He also rarely ever talks to Ji Yeon. Whenever he passes her in the halls he doesn't even say hi.

Maybe he found out?

How many days? Double B fanfic. (Part 1)Where stories live. Discover now