chapter thirty eight

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You were just wandering around now. You heard a noise earlier but you couldn't seem to track it down anymore. The soft pat of your bare footsteps echoed through the halls as you treaded carefully throughout the tower.

"It's pretty nice outside, I'll go sit there for a bit," You said as you climbed the stairs. There was a little balcony that you always like to go to when you needed to be alone. None of the U.A. students have found it yet, which is probably for the best.

You sat down the edge and just looked down for a bit at your hands and feet, which were covered in bandages. Your quirk was great and so powerful, but the aftermath was always annoying with the cuts and bandaids. You always took care of yourself because of your quirk and how unsanitary it could be without the right precautions. You definitely couldn't get an infection are catch any disease, it would be bad for the villains you fought if your blood was contaminated.

You thoughts were interrupted by the same sound you heard beforehand. You looked around only to see Midoriya near the bushes, practicing his kicks, ocassionally kicking a leaf but not always. "Him hitting the leaves must have been the sound I heard," You mumbled while observing him for a bit.

"Midoriya," You said while staring at him. He immediately stopped and looked around, trying to figure out where your voice came from. Deciding to not reveal your secret hiding spot just yet, you unraveled the bandages from around your feet, jumped from the balcony and used your quirk to ease your landing. In surpise, Midoriya jumped back with a shocked experssion, he didn't expect for you to be up. "What are you doing? You should be sleeping, you had a long day."

"...oh hey, Y/n..." Midoriya said while blushing and holding his chest. He didn't know why, but everytimr you were around him, you made his heart race. He clenched his heart trying to slow it down and took a deep breath. "I was just practicing, if I want to be a hero, I need to get stronger."

You sighed and smiled at him, "There you go again, proving my points how you and the rest of class are going to grow up to be great heroes," You said while going to sit on the ground. Knowing he was working that hard for his dreams gave you a fuzzy feeling in your heart.

"You are too, Y/n. Even if you don't believe it, I do. You're going to be a great hero, a true one, " Midoriya said with a determined face and sitting down beside you. You just shrugged and went to bandage your feet again. "Want some help?"

"Oooo Midoriya, I didn't know you were into that kind of thing," You said while slightly turning and covering you mouth.

"Wait- What?! No- I mean- uh I just wanted to help- you know- um uh- not that you need help- your great and everything but- oh gosh-"

"A foot fetish huh, I never would have guessed,"

"No please- I promise, thats- um- not that its wrong- wait, no- I don't-" He babbled while steam came from his ears. You laughed and just put your hand over his mouth.

"Just go ahead and help me, dork," You laughed. Midoriya immediately shut his mouth and blushed hard. He didn't know why he was so nervous.

While helping you, you couldn't help but noticed how the moonlight was glistening off of him. You stopped focusing on his handwork and just stared at his face and hands. 'seems like he works hard,' you said while taking note of the callouses on his hands. You took your finger and just slid it across his palm.

"Y/n?" He said while looking up at you. His eyes sparkled while staring at you, and your heart did a slight jump.

"Let's go inside," You said while getting up and going to the door. Midoriya didn't say anything, but you heard the sound of him getting up to follow you. He didn't even know why he was going with you, he didn't even finish his training.

'He is kind of cute,' You thought as you smiled and walked through the doors of Tower E.

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