乇アノ丂のり乇 乇ノムんイ

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Everything went so good today. Taehyung got back early and he planned to bring his wife to dinner. So he texted her so that she doesn't need to cook anything. he hummed calmly inside his car. Nothing seems to interrupted his day. Suddenly he saw a bright light came from his left side.


After that, his world became black. He tried to open his eyes. His body was cover in blood.

"aynahelp m-me. I-I need y-" Ambulance came right at the moment. They lifted him at searched for his phone. The latest call he made was with Ayna and they decided to call Ayna to tell her about Taehyung.

★彡ayna's POV彡★

I waited for Taehyung because he said we will have dinner outside. Suddenly , I received call from Taehyung's number. I don't know why but I feel so uneasy right now. Taehyung should come by now. I picked up the phone.

"Taehyung-ah... where are you?" it wasn't Taehyung's voice who just called me. It was a man and I wondered where Taehyung is.

"hello... who is this , may I ask ?" he said he is from the hospital. Heard about hospital made my heart beat so fast that I couldn't breath properly. What happened to him actually.

"Are you ,,perhaps Ms. Ayna ? I am from hospital . Can you come to the Seoul hospital ASAP ? I'll tell you everything once you are here." I quickly searched for my own car key and drove real fast. She was so worried about her beloved hubby.

"where is Kim Taehyung ? WHERE IS HIM ?!! I need to see him, plea-" she cried her heart out. The nurse in charge met her and told her everything . She broke down , cried and cried.

"Where is he right now nurse (sniffles)?? I need to see h-" she couldn't hold her tears.

"He is in an operation room right now, I'm sure he is okay . Just keep praying for him, okay ? If you need anything, just ask me . I'll be right here.

Ayna called her mother and Taehyung's mother to tell them about him.

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