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"Every day, in every way I'm getting better and better"____

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"Every day, in every way I'm getting better and better"

"No Way!"

Jessica laughed as she bumped her shoulder against her friend."It's true. Batman would obviously use kryptonite and that would be finito to superman." Her friend, Marco, rebutted as they made their way through the darkness. Their laughter echoing through the forest.

"Let's just agree Black Canary is an absolute badass" Her other friend, Sofia, inputted as she lifted a branch above her head to let her through. As the three walked deeper and deeper in to the woods, a small light slowly began to appear. They followed as light grew nearer and nearer.

The bearer of this light they noticed, perhaps too late, was a stout man. A stout man who happened to occupy a gun, a lifeless corpse, and a 6 feet deep hole below his feet to be specific. The three shared a strained look and slowly began to retrace their steps. That is, until Sofia stepped on a twig and a CRACK echoed through the trees.

The man snapped around, waving a gun at the trespassers. His shocked face slowly grew in to a malefecent smirk as he registered the look of fear on their faces. Within seconds, the three friends found themselves kneeling on the ground, arms behind their backs and faces to the ground.

It was clear that their tradition of camping before the first day of school wasn't going to happen. At this point, Jessica didn't even know if she would live to see it the first day of school.

"Please-" Jessica pleaded but before she could get the next word through, she was cut of by a pang followed by a thud. She didn't dare look to left, fearing she knew what happened. Her hearing silenced for a second and once it had returned it was filled with Sofia's cries.

"Please, no! Please, no! Marco!" Sofia cries shook her, confirming the thought Jessica didn't want to believe. Marco was dead. Sofia's cries too stopped after while, the same panging noise ringing in her ears. Jessica closed her eyes, hearing the man's footsteps approaching her, fearing for what's to come.

She couldn't stay here could she? If she ran, she would probably get shot. If she stayed she would definitely get shot.

Weighing her options, Jessica jumped to her feet  and ran for her life, using the element of surprise to buy her time. The man chased after, shooting haphazardly in every direction. Maybe she could escape. Maybe.

A sense of relief washed over her body as she gained distance away from the man. But that feeling was only temporary, instead washed over with a feeling of consternation. She hadn't been watching where she was running, coming to a halt in front of what appeared to be a cliff.

"Fuck. Fuck. Fuck."

She turned around. The man's raspy laugh haunting her. "Nowhere to go," he smirked walking closer. Jessica took a step back, cautious of the cliff behind her, but for each step he took forward. Her foot inching towards a bottomless pit.

The man seemed to grow tired of their little standoff. Finally, lifting his gun to shoot. He pressed the trigger and a sharp pain pierced her shoulder and shook Jessica's body. The catapult of the bullet, pushed her body backwards, causing her to fall back wards. Her screams growing silent as she fell further down the cliff.


Jessica woke up with a halt, her body shaking from alarm. Once she calmed down, she pushing her duvet off her body. Legs swinging over her bed. Staring at the floor, she pursed her lips, preparing to recite what she has been taught.

"Every day, in every way,
I'm getting better and better." She whispered.

What a load of crap. It's still a struggle just to get out of bed.

My brain is like a hamster wheel. I feel fuzzy.

Like I'm full of cotton and I can't breathe right.

I get to the door and I imagine all these awful things that could be on the other side, and I'm paralyzed.

Jessica sighed, and finally stood up to get on with her day.

A/N: this is so crap and didn't do ANY justice for Jessica. Btw what season of YJ should I set this in? (Season 2 or 3?)

Feedback is much appreciated.

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