A World Without Color. (Izuku x Setsuna)

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A World Without Color: 

It's not that Izuku Midoriya wished to be born with this quirk; Sometimes you're given something that you really don't want, without a say in what goes on in your life. At the age of 4, his life changed for, well, the worse. His Quirk was called 'Grey', anything that he touched with any part of his hands, were automatically stuck in time, and greyed out. 

The first victim of this was Midoriya's own mother, he hugged her and when he found her not hugging back he looked back up, he was confused that she wouldn't hug him back on his birthday. When he raised his little head, she was looking down at him like a statue, everything looking the same except for one specific fact. Her entire body was grey. 

To this day, no one knows how to 'Un-Grey' anyone that's touched by Izuku. Objects will naturally lose their grey over the time period of a day, or if he touches the object with all 5 of his fingers. People, however, never return back to life. 

Currently, he's staring at his father who's on the other side of glass yelling at him, tears running down his face; Calling him things such as, 'Monster', 'Devil', 'Disappointment', 'Mistake'. Midoriya's own Father who had come back to visit him, once he'd heard how his son had a quirk, was now belating him for having a quirk that killed his own mother, and Hisashi's wife. 

Midoriya was only 4, but he understood the concept of murder. How could he not? He'd seen several hero clips, and not all of them were happy clips, some were more of the dangerous fights in this modern-day era. 

So, he was admitted to an agency, where he would be 'Cultivated' and raised to harness his quirk. The result? Well, let's see. 


10 years or so later, and Midoriya's attending his last year of Junior high. After 5 years of 'Cultivation', he was finally released as they found out a material that would allow him to wear as gloves, and touch objects with. 

"I could give you all this assessment for what you want to be in the future... But we all know that you're all aiming to be a hero." The class roared at this sentence, all except for two, the first of the two, "Don't lump me in with these freaks, Teach!" The class turned towards the source of the sound and saw the living bomb, Katsuki Bakugou. "Hey! Unnecessary Bakugou!" Said some random and unimportant character. 

"Yeah! Everyone gets to have a chance at being a hero here!" "Well... Almost everyone..." To the third statement, everyone turned to look at the second character who wasn't responding. He was working on his book, trying to find ways to apply his quirk in a way that could be used for hero work. Everyone in the class had secretly acknowledged the boy as someone who was powerful, but not as someone that they would want to associate themselves with. 

His quirk had already killed someone, with barely any effort, of course, they would be afraid, even Bakugou had been afraid, after all. When he had returned and used his explosions on him trying to see if his quirk affected him, the grey flowed through the explosion and almost hit his finger, if it had, he'd been a goner. The fear of death flowed through his body and caused him to immediately label Izuku as a threat. 

The boy himself though never spoke. He kept his voice low when he spoke, and never seemed to openly communicate with anyone. He lived isolated from everyone in a building that was built for him, paid for by the same agency that 'cultivated' him. He commuted on his own and was always wearing those gloves on his hands now. 

"Ah, Midoriya and Bakugou! You both were aiming for U.A. right?" The class froze at the statement and didn't know how to react. They all, including Bakugou, didn't want to set the boy off. "O-Oh...Yeah, good luck...?" Many reacted in a similar manner, and yet the boy; Never took any notice. He continued thinking of applications only giving a small thumbs-up as a sign that he'd heard what the topic was vaguely about. 

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