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I either way walked and saw her on the side of the boat, she was singing but I couldn't hear her. She looked at me and she kept her stare singing. "I'm coming my sweet" wait is that, I turn around and see the Captain walking out and walking on the plank. His crew members tried to stop him but he pushed them aside and had his sword out.

He's not stupid enough to actually hurt them and jump in the water right? No one decided to stop him and he jumped in, swimming to the siren. My heart beats rapidly, I can't just stand here I have to jump in and save him.

and just like that, I jumped.


I could hear the crew screaming at the top of their lungs, screaming my name and saying why would I jump? are you crazy? Do they realize their Captain jumped in and can probably die if no one does anything? I caught up to Hongjoong and covered his ears and tried pulling him back, but he kept fighting back trying to remove my grip. The siren looked very mad that I was struggling pulling the Captain away, she went underwater to do who knows what.

I could feel something sharp on my legs and I began kicking until I hit something. The siren had jumped back up and began screeching and singing again, I couldn't really hear her voice. The Captain kept fighting to be released and I can't hold on much longer. I did something unexpected, I pulled the Captain and myself down underwater. Hoping if I'm right the Sea Goddess Jongho told me about would appear.

The siren had swam back down attacking me and the Captain trying to basically kill us. Suddendly the world flashed before me, I saw white that started to slowly fade to darkness. This is it right? It's the end right? I failed and I haven't even had the chance to confess to the one crew member that captured my heart.

Yunho's POV

We all kept our plugs in our ears incase if the siren's voice can be heard, but we can all read each others faces. We were scared and worried, after Treasure went down along with the Captain they haven't came back up. What if the siren took them down deeper? We stayed still until bubbles formed on the surface and a beautiful girl with green eyes lifted the Captain and Treasure back on the ship.

She pointed to our ears, I guess it's safe to remove the plugs. After we all took them off, "you're friends need aid..., especially the girl." she said sweetly. "Who are you?" asked San curious of the girl that just saved our friends, "I'm the sea goddess, I was the one who saved your friend years ago when he jumped in this very spot" she says smiling. Jongho, she was talking about Jongho. "Thank you for saving our friends" I thanked her with a big smile. "You're welcome, we'll meet again very soon" and with that she jumped back into the waters.

Me and Yeosang quickly carried the Captain and Treasure and headed down to heal them. The goddess was right, Treasure needs the most aid. She had a lot of scratches on her legs, she has a long cut on her arm and a lot more. I have to take her to down to the other healing room. Yeosang understood and took care of the Captain while I try and save Treasure.

Captain's POV

Three days...

It's been three days and Treasure hasn't woken up after what happened. We were already docked on Treasure Island for two days, just waiting now until Yeosang can get more supplies. Yunho has been down in the room with Treasure checking on her for the past four hours. Wooyoung was out to stock up on food, and Seonghwa went to a store. To get a book or something, I'm not really sure.

The crew had told me what had happened after I jumped in the water. Treasure jumped in to save me from the siren. They even said I tried to push her away, but she held on to me not letting go. After that all I remember was being put underwater and here I am. We're all pretty worried about Treasure, the guys don't want to eat until Treasure wakes up.

"Captain, Yunho wants you" Mingi had came in my quarters and I nodded and instantly began running down to the other healing room. "Yunho, you called? Is she okay?" I said trying to calm my breathing down. "She's doing good, her breathing is back to normal just need you here with her while I go get some things from the other room" I nodded and told him to go.

"Treasure, please wake up we're all very worried about you" I paused for a second "including me" I said as I sat on a chair next to her bedside holding one of her hands. I did something I've never done, something my crew has never seen before.

I cried

Johnny's POV

Mom and dad had came home minutes ago, "where's Taeil?" asked dad. "He went to drive around to see if he finds Woojin or hears her" Doyoung said as he came from upstairs. We are all freaking out, I keep callinh Woojin but it goes staright to voice mail. Is she really that upset over a laptop or did those bandits take her?

I love my little sister, but sometimes you have to back away when she's mad. Whatever it is I hope she's okay and comes back home. Mom seems suspicious to me, she isn't showing any signs of worry. "Mom" I called out to her grabbing her attention, "yes my son?" took me a while but just wanted to check something. "Has Woojin answered any of your calls?" stupid question I know, "no sweety she hasn't." The look she just made after I nodded, she doesn't care about her own daughter being missing.

Woojin's POV

I see my younger self sitting on a chair and a woman is across from me, but I can't see her face. "S***** **** -" the words she spoke, I couldn't quite hear them. I was then being taken into a car filled with other children. Ten to be exact, their faces were blank. Nothing was clear to me until the car came to a stop and we were home. A man helped me out the car and a woman began yelling at him saying cruel mean things about me. The man protected me from the woman, the other kids took me to the yard and I played with them.

Night time had fallen and the woman from earlier came in and pushed me. "Why did he bring you? Huh? why he bring such a useless ugly ****** like you? I wanted a real ******** not you." she whispered screamed and hit me pushing me down to the ground making me cry hard "keep crying and I'll give you something to cry about, now shut up before I **** you." Soft quiet tears ran down my face as I hid under my bed.

"Treasure, please wake up we're all very worried about you...........including me" that voice. I've heard it before, I heard soft whimpers. What is going on?

"Open your eyes"

This voice is different, who could it be? I slowly opened my eyes and what I saw brought tears to my eyes, tears of happiness.




ѕorry ғor тнe ѕнorт cнapтer gυyѕ!



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